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Talend Data Catalog Application

New features and improvements

Feature Description

Analyze / Metadata Browser: Improvements related to click selection

Fixed the issue with clicking back and forth between the two panels.

Overview tab of an object: Show grouped UDPs in Attribute widget

If a UDP has a "." in its name, it will be placed in a separate attribute widget, with the first part as a group name.

Lineage: Switching from YES to NO for Columns only shows the configuration version

Fixed the lineage handling issue for files.

Object explorer: Category Exclusion and global Quick Filter lists Setup

Added a new backend API to store user interface preferences.

Notable fixes

Issue Description

Deployment: Issue when invoking failed due to a null this.versionId when migrating from 11.0 to 11.1

Fixed the upgrade process.

MQL: Cannot parse MQL query 'count EXISTS'

Fixed the MQL syntax error when count is used as an attribute name in the WHERE clause.

Analyze / Metadata Browser: Uncaught TypeError when closing the Model tab

Fixed a minor JavaScript exception.

Analyze / Metadata Browser: Error when opening Data Flow Overview for a sub model from a Multimodel

Fixed the related JavaScript issue.

Analyze / Metadata Browser: Diagram layout crash when closing the Model tab

Fixed a minor JavaScript exception.

Data store import / Sampling and Profiling: Inconsistent column display order between the real table and the object explorer

Harmonized the sorting order between the object explorer, overview tab children widgets, and children tabs.

Lineage: Browser crash when opening a model from the Lineage tab

Fixed the JavaScript exception.

Notification: Error "User does not have the capability 'Application Administration' on the object(s) '[[0,0]]'" when a non-admin user opened an Overdue Workflow Tasks Report

Accessing the user inteface configuration no longer requires admin privileges.

Manage / Configuration: Metadata Comparator issue with Demo Staging DDL models

Removed the code that was converting to an obsolete PDM profile.

Search: Filtering by a phrase with the CONTAINS operator fails with error: 400

Fixed the SolrException that occurred when filtering by a phrase with the CONTAINS operator.

Lineage: The property panel does not refresh on link selection

Fixed the operation panel refresh.

Repository / Database error: multiple rows returned by a subquery used as an expression

Fixed the handling of propagated user attributes during import of a new version. This requires a database upgrade.

MQL: The Comment Count = 0 facet count does not match the filter result count

Fixed the facet count of Comment Count = 0.

MQL: Is Defined By on semantic links returns objects that are not in the configuration

Fixed Is Defined By to return only objects in the current configuration.

MQL: Order by Model does not work

Fixed the Model order by issue.

Deployment: Missing custom attributes associated with data mappings after upgrading to 11.1

Added migration for the custom attributes associated with data mappings.

MQL: Slow Model filter with sub models from a Multimodel

Fixed the performance issue of the Model filter when a sub model is selected in a Multimodel.

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