Notable fixes and known issues
Data Integration
Feature | Description |
Snowflake data types incorrectly mapped |
This issue has been fixed and database mapping has been added for data type conversion when using dynamic schema for Snowflake components in Standard Jobs. |
Accented character issue in CSV column names for Box components |
Schema column names are sanitized to respect some constraints in the Talend Studio code generation, therefore some accented characters are replaced by _. For example, the header column from a CSV file with a French accent, prénom, used to be displayed as pr_nom in the output. From version 8.0 R2024-11 onwards, if the first character of the column name contains an accented character, this specific character is removed, so état will become tat. To avoid issues with existing Jobs, you can manually update your schema column and remove this _ character if it is in the first place and was here to replace a special character, so that the Job output matches the new Studio schema. |