Information noteDeprecation: Talend Master Data Management
(MDM) is deprecated and will reach end of life on December 31, 2024. For more information on
migrating from Talend MDM, contact
Qlik Professional Services.
Remove the related database foreign keys. The foreign key names may vary with
the Talend MDM Server version.
alter table srcrecords drop foreign key FK3012B7DEF33FEA26;
alter table tgtcolumns drop foreign key FKA373D85CF84CB18;
alter table taskcollayout drop foreign key FK6B328CC5BA76F0CB;
alter table tasklinelayout drop foreign key FK8707B763BA76F0CB;
alter table srcrecords drop constraint FK3012B7DEF33FEA26
alter table tgtcolumns drop constraint FKA373D85CF84CB18
alter table taskcollayout drop constraint FK6B328CC5BA76F0CB
alter table tasklinelayout drop constraint FK8707B763BA76F0CB
Oracle, DB2, Postgres
alter table srcrecords drop constraint FK3012B7DEF33FEA26;
alter table tgtcolumns drop constraint FKA373D85CF84CB18;
alter table taskcollayout drop constraint FK6B328CC5BA76F0CB;
alter table tasklinelayout drop constraint FK8707B763BA76F0CB;
Restart Talend MDM Server.
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