Installing Talend LogServer from the RPM repository
Install Talend LogServer with its
default configuration using RPM.
Before you begin
- Import the PGP key to validate the signature of the installation files. See Importing the PGP key.
- Talend LogServer requires Java 8. You can use either Oracle Java or OpenJDK.
- Make sure that the JAVA_HOME variable is correctly set to the Java home
directory. For example: /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_181-amd64.Information noteTip: You can set it in the /root/.bashrc file by adding the following line to it: export JAVA_HOME=$(dirname $(dirname $(readlink -e /usr/bin/java))).
About this task
The default installation also installs the following dependencies:
- coreutils
- which
- gawk
- sed
In case of custom installation, these dependencies must be installed beforehand.