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Configure the database connection information ON THIS PAGE
Available in... Data Fabric Data Services Platform ESB MDM Platform Real-Time Big Data Platform
Open the <TomcatPath>/conf/context.xml
file and add the following lines, according to your database server:
For H2:
< Resource name = " jdbc/datasource" auth = " Container"
type = " javax.sql.DataSource" username = " sa" password = " "
driverClassName = " org.h2.Driver"
url = " jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test"
maxActive = " 8" maxIdle = " 30" maxWait = " 10000" />
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For Derby:
< Resource name = " jdbc/datasource" auth = " Container"
type = " javax.sql.DataSource" username = " test" password = " test"
driverClassName = " org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver"
url = " jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/db;create= true"
maxActive = " 8" maxIdle = " 30" maxWait = " 10000" />
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For MySql:
< Resource name = " jdbc/datasource" auth = " Container"
type = " javax.sql.DataSource" username = " test" password = " test"
driverClassName = " com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
url = " jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test"
maxActive = " 8" maxIdle = " 30" maxWait = " 10000" />
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For DB2:
< Resource name = " jdbc/datasource" auth = " Container"
type = " javax.sql.DataSource" username = " db2admin" password = " qwaszx"
driverClassName = " com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver"
url = " jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/TEST"
maxActive = " 8" maxIdle = " 30" maxWait = " 10000" />
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For SQLServer:
< Resource name = " jdbc/datasource" auth = " Container"
type = " javax.sql.DataSource" username = " test" password = " test"
driverClassName = " com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
url = " jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1029;instanceName= sqlexpress;databaseName= Test"
maxActive = " 8" maxIdle = " 30" maxWait = " 10000" />
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For Oracle:
< Resource name = " jdbc/datasource" auth = " Container"
type = " javax.sql.DataSource" username = " xxx" password = " xxx"
driverClassName = " oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"
url = " jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:XE"
maxActive = " 8" maxIdle = " 30" maxWait = " 10000" />
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Check the database connection information specified in the
following file, and edit them if needed: