Using WSDL to configure basic endpoint
The JMS destination information is provided using the jms:address element and its child, the jms:JMSNamingProperties element. The jms:address element's attributes specify the information needed to identify the JMS broker and the destination. The jms:JMSNamingProperties element specifies the Java properties used to connect to the JNDI service.
The basic configuration for a JMS endpoint is done by using a jms:address element as the child of your service's port element. The jms:address element uses the attributes described below to configure the connection to the JMS broker.
Attribute |
Description |
destinationStyle |
Specifies if the JMS destination is a JMS queue or a JMS topic. |
jndiConnectionFactoryName |
Specifies the JNDI name bound to the JMS connection factory to use when connecting to the JMS destination. |
jndiDestinationName |
Specifies the JNDI name bound to the JMS destination to which requests are sent. |
jndiReplyDestinationName |
Specifies the JNDI name bound to the JMS destinations where replies are sent. This attribute allows you to use a user defined destination for replies. |
connectionUserName |
Specifies the username to use when connecting to a JMS broker. |
connectionPassword |
Specifies the password to use when connecting to a JMS broker. |
To increase interoperability with JMS and JNDI providers, the jms:address element has a child element, jms:JMSNamingProperties , that allows you to specify the values used to populate the properties used when connecting to the JNDI provider. The jms:JMSNamingProperties element has two attributes: name and value . The name attribute specifies the name of the property to set. The value attribute specifies the value for the specified property. The jms:JMSNamingProperties element can also be used for specification of provider specific properties. The following is a list of common JNDI properties that can be set:
For more details on what information to use in these attributes, check your JNDI provider's documentation and consult the Java API reference material.
By default, CXF endpoints using JMS create a temporary queue for sending replies back and forth. You can change this behavior by setting the jndiReplyDestinationName attribute in the endpoint's contract. A client endpoint will listen for replies on the specified destination and it will specify the value of the attribute in the ReplyTo field of all outgoing requests. A service endpoint will use the value of the jndiReplyDestinationName attribute as the location for placing replies if there is no destination specified in the request's ReplyTo field.
A static reply queue can not be shared by several instances of the service client. Please use a dynamic reply queue or different queue names per instance instead.
The following example shows an example of a JMS WSDL port specification.
JMS WSDL Port Specification
<service name="JMSService">
<port binding="tns:Greeter_SOAPBinding" name="SoapPort">
<jms:address jndiConnectionFactoryName="ConnectionFactory"
<jms:JMSNamingProperty name="java.naming.factory.initial"
<jms:JMSNamingProperty name="java.naming.provider.url"
value="tcp://localhost:61616" />