Select Launch Configurations under AWS EC2 AUTO SCALING as shown below:
In step 1, select your TalendRuntimeAutoScaling-RuntimeAMI image from above AMI setup steps.
In step 2, select appropriate EC2 type, here you may choose the same type with your
original Talend Runtime EC2
instance – m4.large.
In step 3&4, fill the Launch Configuration name field
withTalendRuntimeAutoScaling-LC and leave all other
options as default, also use default setting in Add
storage in next step.
In step 5, Configure Security Group, you will need the same
Security Group which has been used in original Talend Runtime EC2
instance (inbound rules as shown below).
Once you have completed above settings, you may find a new Launch Configuration TalendRuntimeAutoScaling-LC is ready to use.
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