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Installing Talend Administration Center


  1. Install Talend Administration Center, Nexus will also be installed under Talend Administration Center path <tac>/Artifact-Repository-Nexus-V2.11.3-01/..

    For further information on Talend Administration Center installation, see Installing and configuring Talend Administration Center.

  2. Once Talend Administration Center has been installed on the EC2 instance, verify that you can access Talend Administration Center interface by using supported web browser http(s)://{TACHost}:8080/org.talend.administrator.
  3. You will keep using the default login/password,
  4. Also verify Nexus interface by using a web browser.http(s)://{TACHost}:8081/org.talend.administrator.
    Information noteNote: If you can’t see the interfaces above, check also if the Windows server firewall has been opened on 8080-8081 for inbound requests as shown below.

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