Service Locator standalone installation
- Go into <TalendRuntimePath>/zookeeper.
Before starting ZooKeeper, you need to provide a configuration file. Two
configuration files are provided:
<TalendRuntimePath>/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg, the
default one, and zoo_sample.cfg. For a testing purpose,
if you do not want to edit the default file, you can just rename the
zoo_sample.cfg to zoo.cfg.
Edit it and change the settings as follows:
tickTime=2000 dataDir=./var/locator clientPort=2181 admin.enableServer=false admin.serverPort=9090
The tickTime refers to the basic unit of time measurement used by ZooKeeper, used for later configuration of timeouts and other parameters.
The dataDir holds database snapshots and transaction logs. Check the ZooKeeper Administration Manual for information on all possible parameters.
The clientPort number should be same as the endpointPrefix defined in LocatorFeature above.
The ZooKeeper AdminServer is disabled by default with admin.enableServer. To enable this feature, set the value to true. For more information on the ZooKeeper AdminServer, see the ZooKeeper AdminServer configuration.
The admin.serverPort is the port used when AdminServer is enabled.
Once the zoo.cfg file configured, you can start or
stop the zooKeeper by running:
<TalendRuntimePath>/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.cmd start/stop on Windows.
<TalendRuntimePath>/zookeeper/bin/ start/stop on Linux.
- Start the Container, for details on this please refer to .
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