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Making SOAP calls with soapUI

About this task

In this section we'll use soapUI to make SOAP calls to the Talend ESB-hosted web service created in the previous section. SoapUI's detailed tutorial is recommended for a full understanding of this tool's capabilities.


  1. (Optional) From your browser, you may wish to save the service WSDL to a file, such as helloWorld.wsdl, for subsequent usage by soapUI. However, soapUI can also easily read WSDLs from HTTP URLs such as http://localhost:9000/helloWorld?wsdl.
  2. Start soapUI and select menu item File->New soapUI Project. Enter a name for the project and the web service's URL either from a file or http location, the latter as shown below. Then click OK.


  3. Fully expand the project node in the left-side navigator. Under the "HelloWorldImplSoapBinding", you'll see the web service's "sayHi" operation and a "Request 1" tree item for entering your web service request. Double-click the "Request 1"" item, and in the SOAP request message the pops up in the right-side window, enter a name within the <arg0></arg0> element. Then select the green arrow in the SOAP request message window to make the SOAP call. You'll see the SOAP response from the server appear, as shown below:


    You can make additional calls by editing the request window and pressing the green arrow.

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