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Upgrading Dynamic Engine version

Upgrade your Dynamic Engines to the latest version.

Before you begin

  • You must have the Infrastructure Administrator role (TMC_CLUSTER_MANAGEMENT) to upgrade the Dynamic Engine version.


  1. Go to the Processing page.
  2. Open the Dynamic Engines tab.
    You can see a blue dot on the Dynamic Engine names when a new version is available.
    New version available for a Dynamic Engine.
  3. Hover over the Dynamic Engine name then click Open menu > Update.
    You can also click the Dynamic Engine name to open its details panel then click the Deploy tab.
    You can also click the Deploy Dynamic Engine button from the Dynamic Engine details page.
  4. Select the latest version from the list.
    By default, the latest version is selected.
    Latest version selected.
  5. Click Download the manifest to download the manifest files in a zip.
  6. Unzip the file previously downloaded.
    Information noteImportant: Do not change the content of this manifest file. Only the default configuration pre-defined in this file is supported.
  7. In your Kubernetes terminal, run the following commands in the order presented here to set up the Dynamic Engine instance:
    1. kubectl apply -f custom-resource-definitions.yaml
    2. kubectl apply -f resources.yaml
  8. Execute the following command to set up the environments. Only one environment has been created and assigned in this example.
    kubectl apply -f resources-<environment_id>.yaml
    Information noteTip:

    If the engine is associated with multiple environments, you need this ID to distinguish the correct file.


The Dynamic Engine version is upgraded.

You can see the deployed version from the Deploy tab of the Dynamic Engine details panel.

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