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Viewing the details of a Dynamic Engine

You can view the details of a selected Dynamic Engine.

Before you begin

You must have the Infrastructure Administrator (containing theTMC_CLUSTER_MANAGEMENT permission) role in Talend Management Console.


  1. Go to the Processing page.
  2. Open the Dynamic Engines tab.
  3. Click a Dynamic Engine name in the list to open the details panel.
    In the Overview tab, you can see the information of the Dynamic Engine, including the description, its status, the creation date and name of the user who created the Dynamic Engine, or the date of the last update.
    In the Environments tab, you can see the list of environments assigned to the Dynamic Engine.
    In the Deploy tab, you can see the deployed version and the available version updates.
    You can also click the Manage button to open the detail page specific to this Dynamic Engine.

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