Enriching the semantic types for Data Stewardship (user interface)
When campaign owners define the structure of the data to be managed in a campaign, they can select from a predefined list the semantic type for each attribute. Then when they load data into Talend Data Stewardship, an internal validation of the schema type is performed and data is displayed as valid or invalid accordingly.

For example, the list of entries included by default in the application under countries does not include Republic of Angola and UK. As a result, such entries are considered invalid country names when loaded to Talend Data Stewardship.
But, you can go further and create your own semantic types, as well as updating or deleting the existing ones, so that your experience with Talend Data Stewardship speaks your business language. You can do all these management options through an integrated user interface.
- Data validation matches data against semantic types and marks data as valid or not valid.
- Data discovery explores the semantic categories and query complex semantic relationships in the data you analyze and outputs the matching results to show the most relevant concepts.
Talend Cloud Data Stewardship uses the semantic types only for validation as no data discovery is done its side.
- The Dictionary type which is based on a closed list of values.
- The Regular expression type that compares your data against a preselected regular expression.
- The Compound type that compares your data against several semantic types referenced in the compound type.
- Talend Dictionary Service is installed and running.
- Talend Administration Center is installed and running.
- You have a Platform license.
- The role assigned to you in Talend Administration Center is either Designer or Operation manager.
- The Dictionary Service User and Data Stewardship User check boxes are selected for your user account in the administration center and you have any of the two possible roles set in the Data Stewardship Role field.
- In the <install_folder>\tds\apache-tomcat\conf\data-stewardship.properties file, the dataquality.dictionaryservice.enable property is set as true.