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Defining data sources and parameter values


About this task

The prerequisites before being able to use Talend DQ Portal as a monitoring and reporting tool of data quality metrics is to define the data sources to be used.

It is also essential to define the parameter values, List of Values and data sets, to be used in order to read data from these sources.

The section below explains how to define a data source. For more information about how to define the parameter values used to read data, see Parameter values.

Prerequisite(s): You have accessed Talend DQ Portal as an administrator.

To define the data source that holds the technical data to be used in document templates, do the following:


  1. On the toolbar of the administrator page, click to display a list.
  2. From the list, select Data source to open the corresponding page.


  3. Click the Add icon in the upper right corner to open the Detail Data Source page.


  4. Fill in the details of the connection according to your environment.
    If you define your data source as a JNDI resource, you define it only one time but you can use it with every application that connects to it. If you define your data source as a jdbc resource, you can connect to other data sources on the fly.
    Information noteNote: When you create a MySQL data source with a JDBC connection, you must add &useOldAliasMetadataBehavior=true to the URL. For example: jdbc:mysql://
  5. Click the icon to test the connection before saving it.
  6. Click the icon to save the data source details.

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