JSON Schema support
This section lists the level of support for JSON Schema
For more information about JSON Schemas, see https://json-schema.org/specification.html.
Fully supported
- Basic types: null, boolean, object, array, number, integer and string.
- Mixed types: "type": ["string", "null"] for example.
- Defined types: $defs and $definitions
- allOf and oneOf
- items and prefixItems
- maxLength and minLength
- maxItems and minItems
- required
- Formats: date-time, date and time
Supported with limitations
Element | Limitation |
References: $id, $anchor and $ref | External references to JSON Schemas using $ref work with protocol files and HTTP/HTTPS only. For HTTP, there is no provisioning for proxy or security parameters; it is recommended to use compound JSON Schemas where all references are within the same document rather than external references. |
anyOf |
anyOf is treated as oneOf if there is more than one alternative, and as allOf otherwise. |
Recursive schemas |
Recursive schemas are supported, however they may have a performance impact on Talend Data Mapper structures if they are heavily used. You can define recursive schemas to exclude in . For more information, see Representation preferences. |
patternProperties | patternProperties are translated into a key/value pair Map group. This is done only if there are no properties for the same object, otherwise patternProperties are ignored. The regular expression values in patternProperties are ignored. |
enum and const | enum and const values must be primitive types. Mixed types in enum are not supported; all values must have the same type. |
Not supported
- not
- if, then and else
- dependentSchemas and dependentRequired
- Extensions (keywords not defined in the specs) and $vocabulary
- $dynamicRef and $dynamicAnchor
- $vocabulary
- contains
- additionalProperties: the value is always false
- propertyNames
- unevaluatedItems and unevaluatedProperties
- Output formatting
- multipleOf
- maximum and minimum
- exclusiveMaximum and exclusiveMinimum
- pattern
- uniqueItems, maxContains and minContains
- maxProperties and minProperties
- readOnly, writeOnly and examples