Environment properties
Environment ID
This is a 2-character code that serves as the environment's unique identifier.
Source code
This is a 3-character code that identifies the source.
Use this check box as follows:
- select it to restrain the start (or hold) of all distributions created in the environment,
- unselect it to allow the start (or release) of all distributions created in the environment.
Environment type
Environments are classified according to the type you assign, namely Production, Test, Training, Model and Deployment. The type is very important for global environment functions (DDCTL, DDJRN and more).
Access related to user
This parameter is used to secure an environment.
After selecting this option, the Users tab is enabled. In this tab, you can specify authorized users and their security level (see Securing the access to Talend Change Data Capture).

Enter a description for the selected environment.
Time lapse between journal updates
- If the value is included between 1 and 60 seconds, it corresponds to the number of seconds before a new analysis of the journal items is performed.
- If the value is set to 0 second, it means a new item is taken into account as soon as it enters the journal.
With AS/400 IBMi as a target, this parameter can be used to close the files automatically, when the source reaches the end of the journal.
Retry time lapse in case of communication error between source and target
This parameter specifies the number of minutes for connection attempts to the target engine, after communication errors have occurred. There is a 30-second gap between two attempts.
Its value ranges from 0 to 999.