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Invoking the Talend Administration Center API interactively

When developers work with the MetaServlet API, it can be useful for them to interactively invoke the Talend Administration Center API.


  1. Go to the Job Conductor page of Talend Administration Center, select the arrow icon next to any of the columns and make sure the Id column is checked so that it will be displayed.

    Note that you can also retrieve the ID of the task using MetaServlet by executing the getTaskIdByName command, see Talend Administration Center MetaServlet API commands.

  2. Use a local tool to encode the MetaServlet JSON arguments in Base64.
  3. Send the encoded result with the POST or GET operation to the http://<host>:<port>/<TalendAdministrationCenter_name>/metaServlet URL. It is recommended to use the POST operation with the parameters in the body instead of GET for additional security.
    The result of the HTTP message is returned as JSON to the object. It includes the execRequestId which is the handle for your new Job instance.
    { execRequestId: "1432855205979_a5zn8", executionTime: { millis: 564, seconds: 0 }, returnCode: 0 }
  4. Once the HTTP message is sent, monitor the progress of the execution through the Execution History page of Talend Administration Center.

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