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Talend Administration Center MetaServlet API commands

This article aims at documenting all the commands that can be executed in the MetaServlet. If you do not use the latest version of the MetaServlet, some of the following commands might not be available and we recommend you to refer to the help command of your current MetaServlet version.

Information noteWarning: Cross-origin resource sharing is not supported in Talend Administration Center MetaServlet API.

Sending MetaServlet script

To send a MetaServlet script, follow this syntax:

Platform Format
Windows If you copy-paste all parameters:
MetaservletCaller.bat --tac-url=http://<IP_address>:<port>/<WebApplicationName> --json-params="{'parameter':'value'}"
If you import a JSON file:
MetaservletCaller.bat --tac-url=http://<IP_address>:<port>/<WebApplicationName> --file=C:\Talend\<.json_file>
MetaservletCaller.bat --tac-url=http://<IP_address>:<port>/<WebApplicationName> --json-file=C:\Talend\<.json_file>
Linux If you copy-paste all parameters: --tac-url=http://<IP_address>:<port>/<WebApplicationName> --json-params="{'parameter':'value'}"
If you import a JSON file: --tac-url=http://<IP_address>:<port>/<WebApplicationName> --file=/<folder_path>/<.json_file>
or --tac-url=http://<IP_address>:<port>/<WebApplicationName> --json-file=/<folder_path>/<.json_file>

Exhaustive Help command

To display the exhaustive help for all commands, follow this syntax:
  • Windows format
    MetaservletCaller.bat --tac-url=http://<IP_address>:<port>/<WebApplicationName> --help all
  • Linux format --tac-url=http://<IP_address>:<port>/<WebApplicationName> --help all 


Result of the --help command.

Information noteNote:

You may need to add one more quote on the JSON parameter values like arrays and values that have specific characters, for example, 'daysOfWeek':''2,3,4,5,6''. Otherwise you will get errors.

The parameter in scientific notation format will be recognized as a string if it is in a single quote, and as a large number if it is in a double quote, or not quoted at all. However, in case of as a large number, the format will be changed when displayed on UI, for example, '1e56886' will be changed to '1E+56886'. In this case, there are some specific scenarios, which may lead to different behavior between UI and MetaServlet. For example, a '+' cannot be added to a task label with on UI, but it can be added through MetaServlet.

Generic return codes    : 
       0: Success
       1: Unknown error
       2: Invalid request
       3: Authentication error
       4: License problem
       5: Invalid parameter
       6: Error formatting response
       7: Insufficient right

  Command: addLocks
Description             : Allow to lock a repository item. Mainly used by the Studio.
Requires authentication : false
Requires rights         : Lock management
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'addLocks',
  'applicationName': 'Studio',
  'authUser': '',
  'branch': 'trunk',
  'locks': [{
    'itemId': 'id1',
    'itemLabel': 'label1',
    'itemType': 'repository.process'
  'projectName': 'P1'

  Command: addServer
Description             : Create a new execution server, parameter username/password (optional) are used for user authentication to access the JobServer,
- For server type Runtime, you must provide the 'instance' property,
- For 'timezone' property, refer to for more details on the syntax
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'addServer',
  'adminConsolePort': 8040,
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'commandPort': 8000,
  'description': Talend Runtime server in production',
  'filePort': 8001,
  'host': 'localhost',
  'instance': 'trun',
  'label': 'serverName1',
  'mgmtRegPort': 1099,
  'mgmtServerPort': 44444,
  'monitoringPort': 8888,
  'password': 111111,
  'processMessagePort': 8555,
  'runtimePassword': 'password',
  'runtimeUsername': 'name',
  'timeoutUnknownState': '120',
  'timezoneId': 'US/Hawaii',
  'useHttpsForAdminConsole': true,
  'useSSL': true,
  'username': ''
Specific error codes    : 
       235: The timezoneId value is not found.
       236: The 'instance' and 'awsEC2Server' properties are incompatible.

  Command: addServersToVirtualServer
Description             : Add servers to a virtual server
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'addServersToVirtualServer',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'servers': [
    {'serverId': '1'},
    {'serverId': '2'}
  'virtualServerId': '1'

  Command: addTaskParam
Description             : Add a new jvm parameter to task.
- active: defines is jvm parameter active or not.
- jvmParam: jvm parameter to be added.
- uniqueId: the unique id of the task jvm param be added. The uniqueId or taskId must be provided.
- taskId: the task id  of the task jvm param be added. The uniqueId or taskId must be provided.
- description: [optional] the description of the jvm parameter.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 7.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'addTaskParam',
  'active': true,
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'description': 'Any description.',
  'jvmParam': '-Xmx256m',
  'taskId': 1,
  'uniqueId': 'edb73b78-043e-442a-beb4-838d355b56b9'

  Command: addUsersToUserGroup
Description             : Add users to User Group
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'addUsersToUserGroup',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'id': '1',
  'users': [
    {'id': '10'},
    {'id': '21'}

  Command: associatePreGeneratedJob
Description             : Create a new execution task with a pre-generated zip file
- targetConductor: could be [JOBCONDUCTOR, BIGDATA_STREAMING]. 'JOBCONDUCTOR' is the default value.
- nexusRepository: [Since 6.4] if create task from Nexus, using parameters: nexusRepository/nexusGroupId/nexusArtifactId/nexusVersion[/nexusJobVersionSuffix].
- nexusJobVersionSuffix: [Optional. Since 6.4] use it when job in nexus with named like
- taskType: [Optional. Since 6.4] Distinguish task type: Normal/Artifact, default: Normal
- importType: [Since 6.2] the position where select the zip file from; 'Nexus' or 'File', default value is 'File'. [Since 7.1] can also select value 'Artifactory'
- artifactoryRepository: [Since 7.1] if create task from Artifactory, using parameters: artifactoryRepository/artifactoryGroupId/artifactoryArtifactId/artifactoryVersion[/artifactoryJobVersionSuffix].
- artifactoryJobVersionSuffix: [Optional. Since 7.1] use it when job in Artifactory with named like
- execStatisticsEnabled:[true|false]. Enables or disables statistics for the newly created job.
- loglevel: [Trace|Debug|Info|Warn|Error|Fatal|Off]. Sets the log level for the newly created job.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 5.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'associatePreGeneratedJob',
  'active': true,
  'artifactoryArtifactId': 'test',
  'artifactoryGroupId': 'org.example',
  'artifactoryJobVersionSuffix': '0.2.0-20170516.043751-1',
  'artifactoryRepository': 'release',
  'artifactoryVersion': '0.2.0-SNAPSHOT',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'contextName': 'Default',
  'description': 'task1's description',
  'executionServerName': 'serv1',
  'filePath': ''/home/talend/'',
  'importType': 'Nexus',
  'logLevel': 'Info',
  'nexusArtifactId': 'test',
  'nexusGroupId': 'org.example',
  'nexusJobVersionSuffix': '1.0.0-20170516.043751-1',
  'nexusRepository': 'snapshots',
  'nexusVersion': '0.1.0-SNAPSHOT',
  'onUnknownStateJob': 'WAIT',
  'pauseOnError': false,
  'runAsUser': 'OS_User',
  'taskName': 'task1',
  'taskType': 'Artifact',
  'timeout': 3600
Specific error codes    : 
       180: file is not a valid file or not exist
       181: nexus parameters may be not correct

  Command: branchExist
Description             : Returns true if the project contains the branch.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project visualization
Since                   : 6.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'branchExist',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'branch': 'branches/branch1',
  'projectName': 'project1'

  Command: createAuthorization
Description             : Add user/group authorization to a project.
- authorizationType can be [READ_WRITE_LITERAL, READ_ONLY_LITERAL]
- authorizationEntity can be [User, Group], default value is 'User'
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project management
Since                   : 3.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createAuthorization',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'authorizationEntity': 'User',
  'authorizationType': 'ReadWrite',
  'groupLabel': 'group',
  'projectName': 'project',
  'userLogin': ''
Specific error codes    : 
       161: The authorizationType specified does not exist.
       162: The authorizationEntity specified does not exist.

  Command: createBranch
Description             : Create a branch into a project
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project management
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createBranch',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'projectName': 'project1',
  'source': 'trunk',
  'target': 'branches/branch1'
Specific error codes    : 
       150: Database error while creating branch.

  Command: createProject
Description             : Create a new GIT project and return the project ID.
- TAC will get GIT url from configuration when 'projectGitLocation' is not provided;
- When 'projectGitLocation' is used, then 'gitLogin' and 'gitPassword' must be provided
- setting for 'gitCommitMode', 'gitLockMode' and 'gitUserLog' is optional 
- 'gitCommitMode' : [AUTO|SEMI] AUTO for 'Automatic', SEMI for 'Unlocked Items', default value is AUTO
- 'gitLockMode' : [AUTO|ASK|MANUAL] AUTO for 'Automatic', ASK for 'Ask user', MANUAL for 'Manual',  default value is AUTO
- 'gitUserLog' :[true|false], default value is false
- Notice : Git options supported since 6.1.
- 'defaultBranch': to specify the default branch when the GIT repository is empty (default is 'main' if this parameter is not specified).

Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project management
Since                   : 3.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createProject',
  'addTechNameAtURL': true,
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'projectName': 'project1',
  'projectType': '[DI|DQ|MDM] (optional)',
  'storage': '[git|none] (default is 'git')',
  'defaultBranch': 'master (optional)'
Specific error codes    : 
       11: Git url not set in configuration

  Command: createSandboxProject
Description             : Allows to create a Sandbox project (internal use)
Requires authentication : false
Requires rights         : Job conductor author, Project management
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createSandboxProject',
  'projectName': 'MetaProject2',
  'userFirstName': 'David',
  'userLastName': 'Bowie',
  'userLogin': '',
  'userPassword': 'admin',

  Command: createServerProjectAuthorization
Description             : Add server authorization to a project.
- application will retrive job server if argument'isVirtualServer' is omitted
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createServerProjectAuthorization',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'isVirtualServer': false,
  'projectName': 'projectA',
  'serverName': 'jobServerA'

  Command: createTag
Description             : Create a tag into a project
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Tags management
Since                   : 5.3
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createTag',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'projectName': 'project1',
  'source': 'trunk',
  'target': 'tags/tag-1_0'
Specific error codes    : 
       151: Database error while creating tag.

  Command: createTrigger
Description             : Create a trigger.
- 'taskId' : it could be the task id, exec plan id, esb publisher id
- 'timezoneOption': must be one of those values [JOBSERVER_TIMEZONE, TAC_TIMEZONE, CUSTOM_TIMEZONE]
- if this option is 'CUSTOM_TIMEZONE', the field 'timezone' becomes mandatory.
- For 'timezone' property, refer to for more details on the syntax
- 'pauseOnError' : if set to true, pause the trigger when the task fail.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor create trigger
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
{'Samples': [
    'actionName': 'createTrigger',
    'authPass': 'admin',
    'authUser': '',
    'description': 'This is a simple trigger',
    'endTime': '2016-12-31 23:59:59',
    'label': 'SimpleTrigger1',
    'pauseOnError': true,
    'repeatCount': 10,
    'repeatInterval': 120,
    'startTime': '2016-12-31 11:40:16',
    'taskId': 1,
    'timezone': ''Europe/Paris'',
    'timezoneOption': 'CUSTOM_TIMEZONE',
    'triggerType': 'SimpleTrigger'
    'actionName': 'createTrigger',
    'authPass': 'admin',
    'authUser': '',
    'daysOfMonth': '10',
    'description': 'This is a cron trigger',
    'hours': '5,10',
    'label': 'CronTrigger1',
    'minutes': '1,10',
    'months': '*',
    'pauseOnError': true,
    'taskId': 1,
    'timezoneOption': 'JOBSERVER_TIMEZONE',
    'triggerType': 'CronTrigger',
    'years': '2016'
    'actionName': 'createTrigger',
    'authPass': 'admin',
    'authUser': '',
    'checkTimeInterval': 120,
    'created': true,
    'description': 'This is a file trigger',
    'executionServerId': 1,
    'exist': true,
    'fileMask': '*',
    'folderPath': '/home/tac',
    'label': 'FileTrigger1',
    'modified': false,
    'pauseOnError': true,
    'taskId': 1,
    'triggerType': 'FileTrigger'

  Command: createUser
Description             : create a new user.
- 'count_policy' : [Since 6.0]. [NAMED|CONCURRENT] NAMED for 'Named users', CONCURRENT for 'Concurrent users', default value is CONCURRENT
- 'userGitLogin/userGitPassword' : [Since 6.1].
- 'userGroup/dataPrep/dataPrepRole' : [Since 6.2].
- 'tds/tdsRole' : [Since 6.3].
- 'mdm/mdmRole' : [Since 6.5].
- 'userDn' : [Since 6.4] Distinguished Name. When LDAP enabled, only allow to create LDAP user.
- 'bigDara' : [Since 6.4, Optional].
- 'dqDict/'dqDictRole : [Since 7.1, Optional].
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 3.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createUser',
  'active': true,
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'bigData': true,
  'count_policy': 'NAMED',
  'dataPrep': true,
  'dataPrepRole': [
    'Dataset Manager',
    'Data Preparator'
  'dqDict': true,
  'dqDictRole': [
  'encryptedPassword': true,
  'mdm': true,
  'mdmRole': 'System_Web',
  'tds': true,
  'tdsRole': [
    'Data Steward',
    'Campaign Owner'
  'userDn': 'cn=jsmith,ou=test,dc=company,dc=com',
  'userFirstName': 'john',
  'userGitLogin': 'jsmith',
  'userGitPassword': '7ob5iT3c',
  'userGroup': [],
  'userLastName': 'smith',
  'userLogin': '',
  'userPassword': 'kkE432',
  'userRole': [
    'Security Administrator',
    'Operation manager',
    'Administrative Use'
  'userType': 'DI'
Specific error codes    : 
       100: Database error while creating a new User.
       101: Not enough allowed users available against license.

  Command: createUserGroup
Description             : create a new user group. dataPrepRoles is only valid when type is DP. tdsRoles is only valid when type is TDS. mdmRoles is only valid when type is MDM_WEB
- 'dataPrepRoles' : [Administrator|Dataset Manager|Data Preparator]
- 'tdsRoles' : [Data Steward|Campaign Owner]
- 'mdmRoles' : [System_Admin|System_Interactive|System_Web|Super_Admin]
- 'dqDictRole' : [Semantic_types_manager|Semantic_types_viewer]
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createUserGroup',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'description': 'User group for testing perpose',
  'label': 'Test Group',
  'type': 'DI_ESB'

  Command: createVirtualServer
Description             : Create a virtual execution server
- For 'timezone' property, refer to for more details on the syntax
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'createVirtualServer',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'clusterGroup': 'Cellar1',
  'description': 'Talend virtual server in production',
  'label': 'VirtualServerName',
  'timezone': 'US/Pacific'
Specific error codes    : 
       238: The timezoneId value is not found.

  Command: deleteAuthorization
Description             : Delete user/group authorization to a project
authorizationEntity can be [User, Group] and its default value is "User"
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project management
Since                   : 8.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteAuthorization',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'authorizationEntity': 'User' or 'Group',
  'projectName': 'project',
  'userLogin': '' or 'groupLabel': 'group'

  Command: deleteBranch
Description             : Delete branches/tags
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteBranch',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'branchLabel': 'branches/eva',
  'projectId': '1'
Specific error codes    : 
       237: A studio is connected to your project's branch

  Command: deleteEsbTask
Description             : Delete a Esb execution task in TAC.
- taskId: taskId must exist.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor management
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteEsbTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: deletePlan
Description             : Delete a execution plan in TAC.
- planId: planId must exist.
- deleteRelatedData: true to remove all of the related logs and archives.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deletePlan',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'deleteAllRelatedData': true,
  'planId': '7'

  Command: deleteProject
Description             : Delete a project.
- deleteContentsInRepository : [Since 7.0, Optional]. default is 'false'
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project management
Since                   : 3.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteProject',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'deleteContentsInRepository': false,
  'projectName': 'project1'

  Command: deleteProjectReference
Description             : Delete project references for the specified project and branch(referenceProjects should use technical label)
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project references management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteProjectReference',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'branch': 'trunk',
  'projectName': 'project1',
  'referenceProjects': 'Q1/trunk,Q2/branches/branch1,Q3/tags/tag1'

  Command: deleteTask
Description             : Delete a new execution task in TAC.
- taskId: taskId must exist.
- deleteRelatedData: true to remove all of the related logs and archives.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 5.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'deleteAllRelatedData': true,
  'taskId': '7'
Specific error codes    : 
       5: No task with this taskId
       230: Task is processing during deletion

  Command: deleteTaskParam
Description             : Delete the jvm parameter of task.
- id: id of the jvm parameter to be deleted.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 7.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteTaskParam',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'id': 1

  Command: deleteTrigger
Description             : Delete a trigger
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor create trigger
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteTrigger',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'id': '1'

  Command: deleteUser
Description             : Delete one user
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 3.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteUser',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'userLogin': ''
Specific error codes    : 
       92: Database error while deleting User.
       93: The user is the last administrator, he can't be removed.

  Command: deleteUserGroupById
Description             : delete user group by provided id.
- 'id' : group id
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.5
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'deleteUserGroupById',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'id': 1
  Command: enablePersonalAccessToken
Description             : Enable the personal access token feature for all users
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Security config management
Since                   : 7.3
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'enablePersonalAccessToken',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'enable': true
Specific error code    : 
       7: Insufficient right. You must have one of the roles [Security Administrator, Administrative Use] for action [enablePersonalAccessToken].

  Command: enableSandboxProject
Description             : Tells if Sandbox project feature is enabled in configuration.
Requires authentication : false
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
{'actionName': 'enableSandboxProject'}

  Command: fixBrokenRelations
Description             : Tools to fix relations: user-usergroup, project authorizations
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'fixBrokenRelations',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''
  Command: generatePersonalAccessToken
Description             : Generate your personal access token
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Any
Since                   : 7.3
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'generatePersonalAccessToken',
  'authPass': 'test',
  'authUser': ''
Specific error code    : 
       102: Personal Access Token is disabled, please contact your Security Administrator.
  Command: getArtifactLocation
Description             : Get the Nexus/Nexus3/Artifactory artifact location informations
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Configuration visualization
Since                   : 6.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getArtifactLocation',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''
Specific error codes    : 
       172: The artifact type is illegal..

  Command: getEsbTaskIdByName
Description             : Get esb task id by given taskName
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor visualization
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getEsbTaskIdByName',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskName': 'task1'

  Command: getEsbTaskNameById
Description             : Get esb task name by given id
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor visualization
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getEsbTaskNameById',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: getEsbTaskStatus
Description             : Return the statuses of a specific esb task.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor visualization
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getEsbTaskStatus',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: getExecutionPlanById
Description             : Return the execution plan and tasks related defined in the execution plan by id
Requires authentication : true

Requires rights         : Execution plan view

Since                   : 8.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getExecutionPlanById',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'planId': 114

  Command: getExecutionTaskById
Description             : Return the task defined in the jobconductor by id
Requires authentication : true

Requires rights         : Job conductor view

Since                   : 8.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getExecutionTaskById',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: getIdByUserGroupName
Description             : retrieve user group Id by user group label 
- 'label' : user group label
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.5
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getIdByUserGroupName',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'label': 'Test Group'

Command: getJobServerStatus
Description             : retrieve the number of running Jobs on the JobServer 
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 8.0
Sample                  :
  'actionName': 'getJobServerStatus',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: getLibLocation
Description             : Get the Nexus lib location infomations
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Configuration visualization
Since                   : 5.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getLibLocation',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: getLicenseKey
Description             : Get license key and customer name.
- 'projectName': [Optional. Since 6.4.0] If you want to get license by project name, you have to provide this parameter.
Requires authentication : true
Since                   : 5.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getLicenseKey',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'projectName': 'project1'

  Command: getNameByTaskId
Description             : Get task name by given id
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 5.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getNameByTaskId',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: getPlanExecutionStatus
Description             : Return the statuses of a specific plan execution. Specify as parameter the response value 'execRequestId' returned previously by the command 'runPlan'.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 8.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getPlanExecutionStatus',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'execRequestId': '1406705428611_7swji'

  Command: getProjectById
Description             : return the project defined in the projects by id
Requires authentication : true

Requires rights         : Projects read

Since                   : 8.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getProjectById',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'withReference': 'false'
  'projectId': '1'

  Command: getTaskExecutionStatus
Description             : Return the statuses of a specific task execution. Specify as parameter the response value 'execRequestId' returned previously by the command 'runTask'. The returned object contains the key 'exitCode' only if the job is ended.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getTaskExecutionStatus',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'execRequestId': '1406705428611_7swji'

  Command: getTaskIdByName
Description             : Get task id by given taskName
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 5.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getTaskIdByName',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskName': 'task1'

  Command: getTaskStatus
Description             : Return the statuses of a specific task.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getTaskStatus',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: getTasksRelatedToJobs
Description             : Return the complete list of tasks defined in the jobconductor
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 5.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getTasksRelatedToJobs',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: getUpdateRepositoryUrl
Description             : Returns Artifact repository connection information
Requires authentication : true
Since                   : 5.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getUpdateRepositoryUrl',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''
Specific error codes    : 
       42: Artifact repository url is not setup

  Command: getUserInfo
Description             : Return user information
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User visualization
Since                   : 6.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'getUserInfo',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'userLogin': ''

  Command: help
Description             : Displays the help
 - commandName is optional: <all> will print all the commands,<any command> will print the detailed info of this command
Requires authentication : false
Since                   : 5.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'help',
  'commandName': 'help'

  Command: importExecutionPlan
Description             : Import the complete list of execution plans and tasks related defined in the execution plan to DB
- ExecutionPlan main info: label, desc, execPlanTimeout, execPlanRollBack(task name), pauseOnError
- ExecutionPlan nodes: 
         Root Node: partType(NONE) other params - useParalle:false -> Single Node; true -> Parallel node.
         Single Node (useParalle=false):  partType(ON_OK/ON_ERROR/AFTER), planpartTaskId(taskName)
         Parallel Node (useParalle=true): partType(ON_OK/ON_ERROR/AFTER), maxThread, it has the parallel childParts node which partType(PARALLEL)
    Other params: 
         childParts:  the child parallel nodes for Parallel Node and the next node
         planPrms:    plan main info, array with planPrmName planPrmValue
         partJobPrms: part node(useParalle=false, which means it has the task configured on the node), 
                      array with name, itemType, override, partCustomerValue(extends from plan context), customerValue(new context for this node), partCustomerValue and customerValue works with override = true
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 5.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'importExecutionPlan',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'result': {'ExecutionPlan': [{
    'desc': 'aaa',
    'execPlanRollBack': 'test1',
    'execPlanTimeOut': '1000',
    'label': 'plan0012',
    'pauseOnError': 'true',
    'planParts': {
      'childParts': [
          'partType': 'PARALLEL',
          'planPartTaskId': 'test12'
          'partJobPrms': [
              'itemType': 'id_String',
              'name': 'username',
              'override': 'true',
              'partCustomerValue': 'account_plan'
              'customerValue': 'admin123',
              'itemType': 'id_Password',
              'name': 'password',
              'override': 'true'
              'itemType': 'id_Integer',
              'name': 'age',
              'override': 'false'
          'partType': 'PARALLEL',
          'planPartTaskId': 'test1'
          'childParts': [{
            'partType': 'AFTER',
            'planPartTaskId': 'test12'
          'partType': 'ON_OK',
          'planPartTaskId': 'test12'
      'maxThread': 1,
      'partType': 'NONE',
      'useParalle': 'true'
    'planPrms': [{
      'planPrmName': 'account_plan',
      'planPrmValue': 'plan123'
Specific error codes    : 
       223: Task not exist in the DB.
       224: Error appears when parsing the date.

  Command: listEsbTasks
Description             : Return the complete list of esb tasks defined in the esb conductor
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor visualization
Since                   : 5.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listEsbTasks',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: listExecutionPlans
Description             : Return the complete list of execution plans and tasks related defined in the execution plan
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 5.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listExecutionPlans',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: listLicenses
Description             : Get information about active licenses.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : License management
Since                   : 7.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listLicenses',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: listLocks
Description             : Returns all locked items for the specified project and branch
Requires authentication : false
Requires rights         : Lock visualization
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listLocks',
  'branch': 'trunk',
  'projectName': 'project1'

  Command: listProjects
Description             : Returns list of all projects
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project visualization
Since                   : 5.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listProjects',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'onlyActive': true,
  'onlyGit': false,
  'withReference': false

  Command: listServer
Description             : List all servers in tac.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server visualization
Since                   : 5.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listServer',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: listTaskParams
Description             : List of the jvm parameter of the task by task id or uniqueId.
- uniqueId: the unique id of the task jvm param be added. The uniqueId or taskId must be provided.
- taskId: the task id  of the task jvm param be added. The uniqueId or taskId must be provided.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 7.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listTaskParams',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1,
  'uniqueId': 'edb73b78-043e-442a-beb4-838d355b56b9'

  Command: listTasks
Description             : Return the complete list of tasks defined in the jobconductor
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 5.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listTasks',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: listTrigger
Description             : List all trigger.
-taskId: if the taskId not provided, it list all the triggers; if it is provided, it list all triggers related to the taskId
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listTrigger',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': '1'

  Command: listUserGroups
Description             : List all user groups
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listUserGroups',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: listUsers
Description             : Returns list of users of the specified type. If type is not specified, returns all users.
- 'type' : DI/DQ/MDM/DP/TDS/MDMWeb/DQDict .
- 'tdsRole/mdmRole' : only list as specific role.
- 'active' : [true|false], not specified by default. When specified, only list active|non-active users.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User visualization
Since                   : 5.3
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listUsers',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'type': 'MDM'

  Command: listVirtualServers
Description             : List all virtual servers
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server visualization
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'listVirtualServers',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: logoutUser
Description             : Force log off single or multiple users, use list of uniqueID or userID
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 7.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'logoutUser',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'uniqueId': [
  'userId': [

  Command: migrateDatabase
Description             : Database migration. 
- 'skipBackup' is optional, when set to true, be sure your database has been backed up.
Requires authentication : false
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
{'Samples': [
    'actionName': 'migrateDatabase',
    'dbConfigPassword': 'admin',
    'mode': 'synchronous',
    'skipBackup': false,
    'sourcePasswd': 'dbPassword',
    'sourceUrl': 'jdbc:mysql://',
    'sourceUser': 'dbUser'
    'actionName': 'migrateDatabase',
    'dbConfigPassword': 'admin',
    'mode': 'synchronous',
    'sourcePasswd': 'srcPassword',
    'sourceUrl': 'jdbc:mysql://',
    'sourceUser': 'srcUser',
    'targetPasswd': 'tagPassword',
    'targetUrl': 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@',
    'targetUser': 'tagUser'

Command: migrateFromSvnToGit
Description: Migrate all Projects from SVN to Git repository, meanwhile, update projects table in the database. Change the storage URL from SVN to Git. 
- 'doMigration' : [true|false] false indicates that migration operation should be skipped, vise versa, default is true. 'doMigration' is optional
- When 'doMigration' is false, params 'svnLocation', 'svnLogin' and 'svnPassword' are not required
- When using 'gitLocation', then 'gitLogin' and 'gitPassword' must be provided
- params 'gitCommitMode', 'gitLockMode' and 'gitUserLog' is optional 
- 'gitCommitMode' : [AUTO|SEMI] AUTO for 'Automatic', SEMI for 'Unlocked Items', default value is AUTO
- 'gitLockMode' : [AUTO|ASK|MANUAL] AUTO for 'Automatic', ASK for 'Ask user', MANUAL for 'Manual', default value is AUTO
- 'gitUserLog' :[true|false], default value is false
- Notice : Git options supported since 8.1

Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project management
Since                   : 3.2
Sample                  :  
  "actionName": "migrateFromSvnToGit",   
  "addTechNameAtURL": true,   
  "authPass": "admin",   
  "authUser": "",   
  "doMigration": true,   
  "gitLocation": "http://localhost:3000/git/git-repo.git",   
  "gitLogin": "admin",   
  "gitPassword": "xxxxx",   
  "svnLocation": "svn://localhost/svn-repo",   
  "svnLogin": "admin",   
  "svnPassword": "xxxxx" 

  Command: pausePlan
Description             : Pause all the triggers of a specified execution plan.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor execute
Since                   : 7.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'pausePlan',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'planId': 1

  Command: pauseTask
Description             : Pause all the triggers of a specified task.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor execute
Since                   : 5.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'pauseTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: projectExist
Description             : Returns true if the project exist.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project visualization
Since                   : 4.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'projectExist',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'projectName': 'project1'

  Command: removeLocks
Description             : Allow to unlock a repository item. Mainly used by the Studio.
Requires authentication : false
Requires rights         : Lock management
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'removeLocks',
  'applicationName': 'studio',
  'authUser': '',
  'branch': 'trunk',
  'locks': [{
    'itemId': '_AMyZYFcAEeCQ34gn79PTjQ',
    'itemLabel': 'BM2',
    'itemType': 'repository.businessProcess'
  'projectName': 'project1'

  Command: removeServer
Description             : Remove an execution server.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'removeServer',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'serverId': 101

  Command: removeServerProjectAuthorization
Description             : Remove server authorization to a project.
- application will retrive job server if argument'isVirtualServer' is omitted
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'removeServerProjectAuthorization',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'isVirtualServer': false,
  'projectName': 'projectA',
  'serverName': 'jobServerA'

  Command: removeServersFromVirtualServer
Description             : Remove servers from a virtual Server
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'removeServersFromVirtualServer',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'servers': [
    {'serverId': '1'},
    {'serverId': '2'}
  'virtualServerId': '1'

  Command: removeUsersFromUserGroup
Description             : Remove Users from a User Group
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'removeUsersFromUserGroup',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'id': '1',
  'users': [
    {'id': '10'},
    {'id': '21'}

  Command: removeVirtualServer
Description             : remove virtual execution server
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'removeVirtualServer',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'id': '1'

  Command: requestDeploy
Description             : Deploy the job linked to the task given in parameter.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor execute
Since                   : 5.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'requestDeploy',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1
Specific error codes    : 
       170: Error while deploying the task

  Command: requestDeployEsbTask
Description             : Deploy the job linked to the esb task given in parameter.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor management
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'requestDeployEsbTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: requestPauseTriggers
Description             : Request to pause the trigger(s) of a task.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor create trigger
Since                   : 5.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'requestPauseTriggers',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1,
  'triggerId': 1

  Command: requestResumeTriggers
Description             : Request to resume the trigger(s) of a task.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor create trigger
Since                   : 5.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'requestResumeTriggers',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1,
  'triggerId': 1

  Command: requestUndeployEsbTask
Description             : Undeploy the job linked to the esb task given in parameter.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor management
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'requestUndeployEsbTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: resetPassword
Description             : Send a reset password link to the user login email address.
Requires authentication : false
Since                   : 6.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'resetPassword',
  'userLogin': ''

  Command: resumePlan
Description             : Resume all the triggers of a specified execution plan.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor execute
Since                   : 7.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'resumePlan',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'planId': 1

  Command: revokeLicenseKeyByValue
Description             : revoke license for Talend Administration Center from RM
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : License management
Since                   : 6.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'revokeLicenseKeyByValue',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: revokePersonalAccessToken
Description             : Revoke your personal access token
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Any
Since                   : 7.3
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'revokePersonalAccessToken',
  'authPass': 'test',
  'authUser': '',

Specific error code    : 
       102: Personal Access Token is disabled, please contact your Security Administrator.

  Command: revokePersonalAccessTokenOfUser
Description              : Revoke personal access token of a specific user
Requires authentication  : true
Requires rights          : User management
Since                    : 7.3
Sample                   : 
  'actionName': 'revokePersonalAccessTokenOfUser',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'userLogin': ''
Specific error code    : 
         7: Insufficient right. You must have one of the roles [Security Administrator, Administrative Use] for action [revokePersonalAccessTokenOfUser]. 
       102: Personal Access Token is disabled, please contact your Security Administrator.
  Command: runPlan
Description             : Allow to run defined plan. Parameter 'queueIfNecessary' - optional, and set false if not provided.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor execute
Since                   : 6.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'runPlan',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'planId': '1',
  'queueIfNecessary': 'false'
Specific error codes    : 
       241: Error occurred while running the plan

  Command: runPlanFromNode
Description             : Allow to run a plan from a defined plan part node
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor execute
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'runPlanFromNode',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'planId': '1',
  'planPartId': 5
Specific error codes    : 
       240: Error occurred while running the plan from plan part

  Command: runTask
Description             : Allows to run a task defined in Job conductor by its uniqueId/id. Mode can be 'asynchronous' or 'synchronous'
- context: [optional], custom context values, a json string value.
- uniqueId: [optional], uniqueId for task, primary identity for task, secondary is 'id'.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor execute
Since                   : 4.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'runTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'context': {'name': 'Jim'},
  'jvmParams': [
  'mode': 'synchronous',
  'taskId': 1,
  'uniqueId': '3c79e760-7815-49ef-98e5-857104ff82bc'
Specific error codes    : 
       30: Error while launching task
       31: Thread interupted while running
       32: No right to run this task
       33: The parameter 'mode' must have the value 'synchronous' or 'asynchronous'

  Command: saveEsbTask
Description             : Add a new esb execution task in TAC and return the task ID.
- featureType: could be [ROUTE, SERVICE, GENERIC].
- runtimeContext: 'Default' is the default value.
- context: [optional], custom context values, a json string value.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor management
Since                   : 5.4
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'saveEsbTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'description': 'esbTask1's description',
  'featureName': 'DemoRESTConsumer-feature',
  'featureType': 'ROUTE',
  'featureUrl': 'mvn:org.example/DemoRESTConsumer-feature/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/xml',
  'featureVersion': '0.1.0-SNAPSHOT',
  'repository': 'repo-snapshot',
  'runtimeContext': 'Default',
  'runtimePropertyId': 'DemoRESTConsumer',
  'runtimeServerName': 'serv1',
  'context': {'name': 'Jim'},
  'tag': 'tag1',
  'taskName': 'esbTask1'

  Command: setLicenseKey
Description             : Set a new license for Talend Administration Center
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : License management
Since                   : 5.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'setLicenseKey',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'licenseKeyPath': 'c:/temp/TDQ_EE.license'
Specific error codes    : 
       110: license is not file or not exist
       111: license file operation failed

  Command: setLicenseKeyByValue
Description             : set license for Talend Administration Center from RM
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : License management
Since                   : 6.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'setLicenseKeyByValue',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': ''

  Command: setRoleLimitation
Description             : Remove or add module's right restriction to a role.
- limitation: true if a restriction must applied, false otherwise.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Security configuration management
Since                   : 5.3
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'setRoleLimitation',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'limitation': true,
  'rightKey': 'SERVERS_READ',
  'userRole': 'DESIGNER_ROLE'

  Command: startEsbTask
Description             : Start the execution of a given esb task
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor management
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'startEsbTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: stopEsbTask
Description             : Stop the execution of a given esb task
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor management
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'stopEsbTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: stopTask
Description             : Stop the execution of a given task
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor execute
Since                   : 5.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'stopTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'taskId': 1

  Command: taskLog
Description             : Retrieve the logs of the specified task
- lastExecution: true/false(default). Get the lastest execution log or not.
- execRequestId: 'execRequestId' returned by runTask. Get the specific execution log. If this parameter is specified, parameter 'startTime', 'endTime' and 'lastExecution' will be ignored
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor view
Since                   : 5.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'taskLog',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'endTime': '\'2016-03-24 13:00:00\'',
  'lastExecution': false,
  'startTime': '\'2016-03-24 12:00:00\'',
  'taskId': 1
Specific error codes    : 
       220: Error happened when reading logs.
       225: Error happened when date range is illegal.
       226: Error appears when parsing the date.
       227: Invalid execRequestId.
       228: Error: execRequestId doesn't match taskId.

  Command: updateEsbTask
Description             : Update and existing esb execution task in TAC and return the task ID.
- featureType: could be [ROUTE, SERVICE, GENERIC].
- runtimeContext: 'Default' is the default value.
- context: [optional], custom context values, a json string value.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : ESB Conductor management
Since                   : 6.1
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'updateEsbTask',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'description': 'esbTask1's description',
  'featureName': 'DemoRESTConsumer-feature',
  'featureType': 'ROUTE',
  'featureUrl': 'mvn:org.example/DemoRESTConsumer-feature/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT/xml',
  'featureVersion': '0.1.0-SNAPSHOT',
  'repository': 'repo-snapshot',
  'runtimeContext': 'Default',
  'runtimePropertyId': 'DemoRESTConsumer',
  'runtimeServerName': 'serv1',
  'context': {'name': 'Jim'},
  'tag': 'tag1',
  'taskId': 1,
  'taskName': 'esbTask1'

  Command: updateProject
Description             : Update a project based on id.
- 'gitCommitMode' : [AUTO|SEMI] AUTO for 'Automatic', SEMI for 'Unlocked Items'
- 'gitLockMode' : [AUTO|ASK|MANUAL] AUTO for 'Automatic', ASK for 'Ask user', MANUAL for 'Manual'
- Notice : Git options supported since 6.1.
-          Project reference feature is deprecated since 6.5, here only can set reference false.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Project management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'updateProject',
  'active': 'true',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'description': 'project description',
  'gitCommitMode': 'SEMI',
  'gitLockMode': 'ASK',
  'gitLogin': 'root',
  'gitPassword': 'root',
  'gitUserLog': 'true',
  'id': '1',
  'projectGitLocation': 'https://localhost/giteqoxywa6.git',
  'reference': 'false'

  Command: updateServer
Description             : Update a new execution server, parameter username/password (optional) are used for user authentication to access the JobServer,
- For update server type Runtime, you must provide the 'isTalendRunTime': true or false to enable or disable runtime update.
- For 'timezone' property, refer to for more details on the syntax
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'updateServer',
  'adminConsolePort': 8040,
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'commandPort': 8000,
  'description': 'Talend Runtime server in production',
  'filePort': 8001,
  'host': 'localhost',
  'instance': 'trun',
  'isTalendRunTime': 'true',
  'label': 'serverName1',
  'mgmtRegPort': 1099,
  'mgmtServerPort': 44444,
  'monitoringPort': 8888,
  'password': 111111,
  'processMessagePort': 8555,
  'runtimePassword': 'password',
  'runtimeUsername': 'name',
  'timeoutUnknownState': '120',
  'timezoneId': 'US/Hawaii',
  'useHttpsForAdminConsole': true,
  'useSSL': true,
  'username': ''

  Command: updateTask
Description             : Allows to update an existing execution task from TAC.
- onUnknownStateJob: could be [WAIT, KILL_TASK, RESTART_TASK, RECOVER_TASK]
- contextName: 'Default' is the default value for it;
- context: can customize value and make it enabled for context.
- contextParamsRefresh: [true|false] reload the newest artifact's context and saved it in the database when updating the task if set to true. default value is true.
- targetConductor: could be [JOBCONDUCTOR, BIGDATA_STREAMING]. 'JOBCONDUCTOR' is the default value.
- nexusRepository: [Since 6.2] if update task from Nexus, using parameters: nexusRepository/nexusGroupId/nexusArtifactId/nexusVersion[/nexusJobVersionSuffix] like 'AssociatePreGeneratedJob' command.
- nexusJobVersionSuffix: [Optional. Since 6.4] use it when job in nexus with named like
- Notice: [Since 6.2] As this command is for File/Nexus: decide which one by parameter ( filePath > nexusRepository > ... ) exists or not.
- artifactoryRepository: [Since 7.1] if create task from Artifactory, using parameters: artifactoryRepository/artifactoryGroupId/artifactoryArtifactId/artifactoryVersion[/artifactoryJobVersionSuffix].
- artifactoryJobVersionSuffix: [Optional. Since 7.1] use it when job in Artifactory with named like
- createContextIfNotExist: [Optional][true|false] 'true' is the default value. If set to 'false', new context parameters are not created and existing ones are overridden if artifact contains context parameters with the same name.

Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 5.0
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'updateTask',
  'active': true,
  'artifactoryArtifactId': 'test',
  'artifactoryGroupId': 'org.example',
  'artifactoryJobVersionSuffix': '0.2.0-20170516.043751-1',
  'artifactoryRepository': 'snapshots',
  'artifactoryVersion': '0.2.0-SNAPSHOT',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'context': {'name': 'Jim'},
  'contextName': 'Default',
  'contextParamsRefresh': true,
  'description': 'task1 for extracting data from DB1',
  'execStatisticsEnabled': false,
  'executionServerName': 'serv1',
  'filePath': ''/home/talend/'',
  'logLevel': 'Info',
  'nexusArtifactId': 'test',
  'nexusGroupId': 'org.example',
  'nexusJobVersionSuffix': '1.0.0-20170516.043751-1',
  'nexusRepository': 'snapshots',
  'nexusVersion': '0.1.0-SNAPSHOT',
  'onUnknownStateJob': 'WAIT',
  'pauseOnError': false,
  'runAsUser': 'OS_User',
  'taskId': 1,
  'taskName': 'task1',
  'timeout': 3600

  Command: updateTaskParam
Description             : Update existing jvm parameters for the task.
- id: id of the jvm parameter to be updated.
- active: set jvm parameter active or not.
- jvmParam: jvm parameter value to be updated.
- description: [optional] updated description of the jvm parameter.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 7.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'updateTaskParam',
  'active': true,
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'description': 'Updated description.',
  'id': 1,
  'jvmParam': '-Xmx256m'

  Command: updateTrigger
Description             : Modify a trigger
- only fields to update are mandatory, field not used in method call will be left as is.
- 'timezoneOption': must be one of those values [JOBSERVER_TIMEZONE, TAC_TIMEZONE, CUSTOM_TIMEZONE]
- if this option is 'CUSTOM_TIMEZONE', the field 'timezoneId' becomes mandatory.
- For 'timezone' property, refer to for more details on the syntax
- 'pauseOnError' : if set to true, pause the trigger when the task fail.
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Job conductor author
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
{'Samples': [
    'actionName': 'updateTrigger',
    'authPass': 'admin',
    'authUser': '',
    'description': 'This is a simple trigger',
    'endTime': '2016-12-31 23:59:59',
    'id': 1,
    'label': 'SimpleTrigger1',
    'pauseOnError': true,
    'repeatCount': 10,
    'repeatInterval': 120,
    'startTime': '2016-12-31 11:40:16',
    'timezone': ''Europe/Paris'',
    'timezoneOption': 'CUSTOM_TIMEZONE'
    'actionName': 'updateTrigger',
    'authPass': 'admin',
    'authUser': '',
    'daysOfMonth': '10',
    'description': 'This is a cron trigger',
    'hours': '5,10',
    'id': 1,
    'label': 'CronTrigger1',
    'minutes': '1,10',
    'months': '*',
    'pauseOnError': true,
    'timezoneOption': 'JOBSERVER_TIMEZONE',
    'years': '2016'
    'actionName': 'updateTrigger',
    'authPass': 'admin',
    'authUser': '',
    'checkTimeInterval': 120,
    'created': true,
    'description': 'This is a file trigger',
    'executionServerId': 1,
    'exist': true,
    'fileMask': '*',
    'folderPath': '/home/tac',
    'id': 1,
    'label': 'FileTrigger1',
    'modified': false,
    'pauseOnError': true

  Command: updateUser
Description             : Update an existing user by uniqueId.
- 'uniqueId' : [Since 6.5] Unique identifier of the user.
- 'count_policy' : [Since 6.0]. [NAMED|CONCURRENT] NAMED for 'Named users', CONCURRENT for 'Concurrent users', default value is CONCURRENT
- 'userGitLogin/userGitPassword' : [Since 6.1].
- 'userGroup/dataPrep/dataPrepRole' : [Since 6.2].
- 'tds/tdsRole' : [Since 6.3].
- 'mdm/mdmRole' : [Since 6.5].
- 'userDn' : [Since 6.4] Distinguished Name. When LDAP enabled, only allow to create LDAP user.
- 'bigData' : [Since 6.4, Optional].
- 'dqDict/'dqDictRole : [Since 7.1, Optional].
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.5
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'updateUser',
  'active': true,
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'bigData': true,
  'count_policy': 'NAMED',
  'dataPrep': true,
  'dataPrepRole': [
    'Dataset Manager',
    'Data Preparator'
  'dqDict': true,
  'mdm': true,
  'mdmRole': [
  'tds': true,
  'tdsRole': [
    'Data Steward',
    'Campaign Owner'
  'uniqueId': '345234e-rwer434-wer324-4343rq',
  'userFirstName': 'john',
  'userGitLogin': 'jsmith',
  'userGitPassword': '7ob5iT3c',
  'userGroup': [],
  'userLastName': 'smith',
  'userLogin': '',
  'userPassword': 'kkE432',
  'userRole': [
  'userType': 'DI'
Specific error codes    : 
       103: Database error while updating user.

  Command: updateUserGroup
Description             : Update a user group. dataPrepRoles is only valid when type is DP. tdsRoles is only valid when type is TDS. mdmRoles is only valid when type is MDM_WEB
- 'dataPrepRoles' : [Administrator|Dataset Manager|Data Preparator]
- 'tdsRoles' : [Data Steward|Campaign Owner]
- 'mdmRoles' : [System_Admin|System_Interactive|System_Web|Super_Admin]
- 'dqDictRole' : [Semantic_types_manager|Semantic_types_viewer]
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User management
Since                   : 6.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'updateUserGroup',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'description': 'User group for testing purpose',
  'id': '1',
  'label': 'Test Group',
  'type': 'DQ'

  Command: updateVirtualServer
Description             : Update a virtual execution server
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : Server management
Since                   : 5.6
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'updateVirtualServer',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'clusterGroup': 'Cellar1',
  'description': 'Talend virtual server in production',
  'id': '1',
  'label': 'VirtualServerName',
  'timezone': 'US/Pacific'

  Command: userExist
Description             : Return true if a user exist
Requires authentication : true
Requires rights         : User visualization
Since                   : 3.2
Sample                  : 
  'actionName': 'userExist',
  'authPass': 'admin',
  'authUser': '',
  'userLogin': ''

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