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Load balancing: Get valid engines






Get the Qlik Sense Engine Services (QESs) that can open an app, identified by {appID}, for the Qlik Sense Proxy Service (QPS) identified by {proxyID} and {proxyPrefix}.


LoadBalancingRequest: { "proxyID": [GUID for a proxy] "proxyPrefix": [String that identifies the virtual proxy that is used when making the request] "appID": [GUID for an app] "loadBalancingPurpose": Production/Development/Any }

Return value

LoadBalancingResult: { "appID": [GUID; the same as in the request] "validEngines": [A list of strings, each containing a hostname and port in "hostname:port" format] "loadBalancingResultCode": Ok/AppNotFound/ProxyNotFound/ProxyPrefixNotFound }

Optional parameters


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