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Add session






This creates a new session object for a user. Use JSON in the following format in the HTTP body:

{ "UserDirectory": "<user directory>", "UserId": "<unique user id>", "Attributes": [ { "<Attribute1>": "<value1a>" }, { "<Attribute1>": "<value1b>" }, [attributes are not unique] { "<Attribute2>": "" }, [value can be empty] { "<Attribute3>": "<value3>" }, ... ] [optional], "SessionId": "<session id>" }

If the response is successful, the module returns JSON like above, but with the addition of the property NewUser. This property indicates if the user already had a session (NewUser: false) or if the user was indeed a new user (NewUser: true).

The SessionId and the attributes are the same as the ones that were posted. The intended use for posting session IDs to the Session module is integration scenarios where a web portal of some sort is to issue session IDs.

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