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Creating sync rules

Warning noteIf you define a rule without specifying at least one Resource or User condition, your rule will apply to all resources and/or users as indicated by (ALL) next to the condition heading.

You can create sync rules.

Do the following:

  1. Select Sync rules on the QMC start page or from the StartS drop-down menu to display the overview.
  2. Click PCreate new in the action bar.

  3. Under Identification, give the rule a name and a description.
  4. Click Disabled if you do not want to enable the rule at this time.
  5. In the Basic view, select the type of actions you want to create a rule for.
  6. Select a resource condition in the drop-down lists.

    For example selecting the resource condition name and setting name equal to MyApp means that the rule applies to the app named MyApp while setting it equal to MyApp* will apply the rule to all apps with names beginning with MyApp.

    Information noteWhen using multiple conditions you can group two conditions by clicking Group. After condtions have been grouped you can ungroup them by clicking Ungroup. The default operand between conditions is OR. You can change this in the operand drop-down. Multiple conditions are grouped so that OR is superior to AND.
    Information noteChanging the Create from template selection automatically clears all Actions, and changes the Advanced > Conditions text box accordingly.
  7. Click the Preview tab under Associated items to view the access rights that your rule will create and the resources they apply to.

    Information noteYou must click Apply to save your changes. Apply is disabled if a mandatory field is empty.
  8. Click Apply in the action bar to create and save the rule or click Cancel to discard changes.

    Successfully added is displayed at the bottom of the page.

You have now created a new sync rule.

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