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Editing repository

You can edit the repositories that you have update rights to. Do the following:

  1. Select Repositories on the QMC start page or from the StartS drop-down menu to display the overview.

    Tip noteYou can apply a filter to a column by clicking ..
  2. Select the repository or repositories you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit in the action bar.

    If several schedulers are selected and they have different values for a specific field, Multiple values is displayed in the field name.
  4. Edit the fields on the Properties tab.

    Tip note You can display or hide property groups using the panel to the far right.
    You must click Apply to save your changes. Apply is disabled if a mandatory field is empty.
  5. Click Apply to save your changes.

    Successfully updated is displayed at the bottom of the page.

You now have edited a scheduler or schedulers.

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