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Reloading apps manually

You can reload apps manually to fully reload the data in an app from the source. Any old data is discarded.

Do the following:

  1. Select Apps on the QMC start page or from the StartS drop-down menu to display the overview.

  2. Select the app that you want to reload, click More actions in the far right of the action bar and select Reload now in the pop-up menu.

    The task to reload the app was successfully started. The status can be viewed in the Task overview if you have access to that section is displayed and a reload task is started. If the task fails you receive the message Failed to create/start the reload app task. Please try again.

  3. Go to the Tasks overview page to find out the progress of the task. The Name column displays Manually triggered reload of [app name]. When the task has finished the Status column displays mSuccess.

    Tip noteYou can apply a filter to a column by clicking ..
  4. Optional: The manually started reload app task is executed once only. Therefore you probably want to delete this task from the task overview.

    1. Select the task and click Delete.

      A dialog is displayed.

    2. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

      The task is deleted from the overview.

You have now reloaded an app manually to fully reload the data in an app from the source.

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