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Engine service: Get local engine service






Get the Qlik Sense Engine Service (QES) entity (including all settings) that runs on the same node as the Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS) that makes the call.



Return value

EngineService: { "customProperties": null, "name": "", "settings": { "sOverlayDocuments": true, "sAutosaveInterval": 30, "sDocumentTimeout": 28800, "sTableFilesDirectory": "", "sGenericUndoBufferMaxSize": 100, "sQvLogEnabled": true, "sGlobalLogMinuteInterval": 5, "sSystemLogVerbosity": 5, "sPerformanceLogVerbosity": 5, "sAuditLogVerbosity": 5, "sSessionLogVerbosity": 5, "sTrafficLogVerbosity": 5, "sAllowDataLineage": true, "sWorkingSetSizeLoPct": 70, "sWorkingSetSizeHiPct": 90, "sWorkingSetSizeMode": 2, "sCpuThrottlePercentage": 0, "sEnableNumaRoundRobin": 0 }, "serverNodeConfiguration": { "name": "", "hostName": "", "temporaryfilepath": "", "binaryfileRootpath": "", "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }, "tags": [ { "name": "", "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }], "privileges": null, "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" }

Optional parameters


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