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Working with regular expressions

Regular expression can be used with the regex functions. This section contains example of some useful expressions.

General expressions

This example removes special characters from a string. Special characters are everything that is not a-z or 1-9.

{ regexReplace: {$.getCompany.URL}, "[^\w\s\-_]", "" }

This example removes special characters from a string but keeps characters with accents.

{ regex_replace: {$.companyname}, "[^A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ ]" , "" }

This example replaces a special character—the German "ß"—with a double "s".

{ regex_replace: {$.companyname}, "ß" , "ss"}


These examples parse the first and last name from a full name, where the name format is "FirstName" "LastName".

Get first name:

{ regexparse:{$.fullname}, '^([^\s]*)' }

Get last name:

{ regexparse:{$.fullname}, '^[^\s]*\s(.*)' }


This example parses the house number from a street address, where the format is "StreetName" "HouseNumber".

Get the house number:

{regexparse: 'Grauwpoort 1A-5, 9000 Gent', '([0-9]+[^ ,\n]*)'}

Phone numbers

This example removes all special characters from a phone number.

{regex_replace: {$.phone}, "([^\S]|[^0-9+])",""}

URLs and domain names

This example parses the path from a full URL, where the URL has a .com domain.

{ regexparse:{$.getCompany.url}, "\.com(.*)" }

Get the filename part of a URL:

{regexparse: {$.url}, '(?:.+\/)(.+)'}

Помогла ли вам эта страница?

Если вы обнаружили какую-либо проблему на этой странице и с ее содержанием — будь то опечатка, пропущенный шаг или техническая ошибка, сообщите нам об этом, чтобы мы смогли ее исправить!