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Deleting login access

You can delete login access that you have delete rights to, to free up tokens. By doing this access to streams and apps are removed for the users in the login access group.

Do the following:

  1. Select License and tokens on the QMC start page or from the StartS drop-down menu to display the overview.

  2. Select Login access rules in the panel to the right to display the overview.

    Tip noteYou can filter a column by using the filtering option: ..
  3. Select the login accesses that you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete in the action bar.A Delete dialog is displayed.
  5. Click OK.

    • Tokens are released immediately if the login access contains enough numbers of unused login access passes.

    • Used login access passes will not be released until 28 days after last use.


    You have allocated 3 tokens, providing for 30 login access passes. 11 login access passes have been used. If you delete the login access, 1 token is released immediately and 2 tokens will not be released until 28 days after last use. This means that the second token is released 28 days after last use of the 10th login access pass and the third token is released 28 days after last use of the 11th login access pass

    Also, the information on the Tokens page is updated.

You have now deleted login access and the users in the login access group cannot access streams and apps.


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