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IGenericObject Interface
This class describes all the methods that apply at generic object level.

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
public interface IGenericObject : IQixClassBase, 

The IGenericObject type exposes the following members.

Public methodAbortListObjectSearch

Aborts the results of a search in a list object.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension). After an abort on a list object search, the GetLayout method does not return any more search results but it does return the values in the field.
Public methodAbortListObjectSearchAsync

Aborts the results of a search in a list object.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension). After an abort on a list object search, the GetLayout method does not return any more search results but it does return the values in the field.
Public methodAcceptListObjectSearch

Accept the results of a search in a list object. The search results become selected in the field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).The search results are displayed using the GetLayout method.
Public methodAcceptListObjectSearchAsync

Accept the results of a search in a list object. The search results become selected in the field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).The search results are displayed using the GetLayout method.
Public methodApplyPatches

Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties.

It is possible to apply a patch to the properties of a generic object, that is not persistent. Such a patch is called a soft patch. In that case, the result of the operation on the properties (add, remove or delete) is not shown when doing GetProperties and only a GetLayout call shows the result of the operation. Properties that are not persistent are called soft properties. Once the session is over, soft properties are cleared.

Soft properties apply only to generic objects.Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties.
Public methodApplyPatchesAsync

Applies a patch to the properties of an object. Allows an update to some of the properties.

It is possible to apply a patch to the properties of a generic object, that is not persistent. Such a patch is called a soft patch. In that case, the result of the operation on the properties (add, remove or delete) is not shown when doing GetProperties and only a GetLayout call shows the result of the operation. Properties that are not persistent are called soft properties. Once the session is over, soft properties are cleared.

Soft properties apply only to generic objects.Applying a patch takes less time than resetting all the properties.
Public methodBeginSelections

Begins the selection mode. The app enters the modal state. The specified object enters the selection mode and a modal window is opened. The selection mode can apply to only one object in an app at a time.

When a visualization is in selection mode, selections can be made in this visualization. The visualization is not sorted until the selection mode is ended. Once the selection mode is ended and if the selections are accepted, the visualization is sorted according to the sort criteria. For more information about:

* Ending the selection mode, see EndSelections method.

* The sort criteria, see ListObjectDef or HyperCubeDef.


A sheet contains a list object and a chart. If the list object is in selection mode then the chart cannot be in selection mode. No selection on the chart can be made until the list object exits the selection mode.

Public methodBeginSelectionsAsync

Begins the selection mode. The app enters the modal state. The specified object enters the selection mode and a modal window is opened. The selection mode can apply to only one object in an app at a time.

When a visualization is in selection mode, selections can be made in this visualization. The visualization is not sorted until the selection mode is ended. Once the selection mode is ended and if the selections are accepted, the visualization is sorted according to the sort criteria. For more information about:

* Ending the selection mode, see EndSelections method.

* The sort criteria, see ListObjectDef or HyperCubeDef.


A sheet contains a list object and a chart. If the list object is in selection mode then the chart cannot be in selection mode. No selection on the chart can be made until the list object exits the selection mode.

Public methodClearSelections

Clears the selections in a dimension of a visualization.

Public methodClearSelectionsAsync

Clears the selections in a dimension of a visualization.

Public methodClearSoftPatches

Clears the soft properties of a generic object.

For more information on how to add soft properties to a generic object, see ApplyPatches method.

Public methodClearSoftPatchesAsync

Clears the soft properties of a generic object.

For more information on how to add soft properties to a generic object, see ApplyPatches method.

Public methodCollapseLeft

Collapses the left dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded.

In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.

Public methodCollapseLeftAsync

Collapses the left dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded.

In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.

Public methodCollapseTop

Collapses the top dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded.

In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.

Public methodCollapseTopAsync

Collapses the top dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded.

In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.

Public methodCopyFrom

Copies the properties of a generic object and its children.

The source object is specified by the parameter qFromId and the destination object is referenced by its handle.

The identifier of the destination object is the same as before the copy takes place.
Public methodCopyFromAsync

Copies the properties of a generic object and its children.

The source object is specified by the parameter qFromId and the destination object is referenced by its handle.

The identifier of the destination object is the same as before the copy takes place.
Public methodCreateChildT
Creation of child generic object
Public methodCreateChildAsyncT
Public methodDefCount
Retrieves the total number of HyperCube/ListObject definitions contained in this generic object
Public methodDefCountAsync
Retrieves the total number of HyperCube/ListObject definitions contained in this generic object asyncronously
Public methodDefPathAtIndex(Int32)
Converts an existing index to its equivalent path value
Public methodDefPathAtIndex(Int32)
Converts existing index values to their equivalent path values
Public methodDefPathAtIndexAsync(Int32)
Converts an existing index to its equivalent path value asyncronously
Public methodDefPathAtIndexAsync(Int32)
Converts existing index values to their equivalent path values asyncronously
Public methodDestroyAllChildren

Removes all children and all children to the children on an object.

Public methodDestroyAllChildrenAsync

Removes all children and all children to the children on an object.

Public methodDestroyChild

Removes a child object.

It is possible to update the properties of the child's parent at the same time that the child is removed. Both operations are performed by the same call.Removing a linked object, invalidate the linking object.
Public methodDestroyChildAsync(String, GenericObjectProperties, AsyncHandle)

Removes a child object.

It is possible to update the properties of the child's parent at the same time that the child is removed. Both operations are performed by the same call.Removing a linked object, invalidate the linking object.
Public methodDestroyChildAsyncT(String, GenericObjectProperties, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Removes a child object.

It is possible to update the properties of the child's parent at the same time that the child is removed. Both operations are performed by the same call.Removing a linked object, invalidate the linking object.
Public methodDrillUp

You can use the drillUp method with any object that contains a drill-down group as a dimension.

This method allows you to move between different levels of information (from a detailed level to a less detailed level of information). You can go back to previous visualizations up to the highest level of the hierarchy.

If you try to drill up more steps than there are available levels, the first level of the hierarchy is displayed.

Public methodDrillUpAsync

You can use the drillUp method with any object that contains a drill-down group as a dimension.

This method allows you to move between different levels of information (from a detailed level to a less detailed level of information). You can go back to previous visualizations up to the highest level of the hierarchy.

If you try to drill up more steps than there are available levels, the first level of the hierarchy is displayed.

Public methodEmbedSnapshotObject

Adds a snapshot to a generic object.

Only one snapshot can be embedded in a generic object.If you embed a snapshot in an object that already contains a snapshot, the new snapshot overwrites the previous one.
Public methodEmbedSnapshotObjectAsync

Adds a snapshot to a generic object.

Only one snapshot can be embedded in a generic object.If you embed a snapshot in an object that already contains a snapshot, the new snapshot overwrites the previous one.
Public methodEndSelections

Ends the selection mode on a visualization. The selections are accepted or aborted when exiting the selection mode, depending on the qAccept parameter value.

Public methodEndSelectionsAsync

Ends the selection mode on a visualization. The selections are accepted or aborted when exiting the selection mode, depending on the qAccept parameter value.

Public methodExpandLeft

Expands the left dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded.

In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.

Public methodExpandLeftAsync

Expands the left dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded.

In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.

Public methodExpandTop

Expands the top dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded.

In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.

Public methodExpandTopAsync

Expands the top dimensions of a pivot table. This method applies only to pivot tables that are not always fully expanded.

In the definition of the hypercube (in HyperCubeDef), the parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded must be set to false.

Public methodExportData

Exports the data of any generic object to an Excel file or a open XML file.

If the object contains excluded values, those excluded values are not exported.

Public methodExportDataAsync(NxExportFileType, String, String, NxExportState, AsyncHandle)

Exports the data of any generic object to an Excel file or a open XML file.

If the object contains excluded values, those excluded values are not exported.

Public methodExportDataAsyncT(NxExportFileType, String, String, NxExportState, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Exports the data of any generic object to an Excel file or a open XML file.

If the object contains excluded values, those excluded values are not exported.

Public methodGetChild

Returns the type of the object and the corresponding handle.

Public methodGetChildAsync(String, AsyncHandle)

Returns the type of the object and the corresponding handle.

Public methodGetChildAsyncT(String, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Returns the type of the object and the corresponding handle.

Public methodGetChildInfos

Returns the identifier and the type for each child in an app object. If the child contains extra properties in qInfos,these properties are returned.

Public methodGetChildInfosAsync(AsyncHandle)

Returns the identifier and the type for each child in an app object. If the child contains extra properties in qInfos,these properties are returned.

Public methodGetChildInfosAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Returns the identifier and the type for each child in an app object. If the child contains extra properties in qInfos,these properties are returned.

Public methodGetFullPropertyTree

Gets the properties of:

* a generic object

* the children of the generic object

* the bookmarks/embedded snapshots of the generic object

Public methodGetFullPropertyTreeAsync(AsyncHandle)

Gets the properties of:

* a generic object

* the children of the generic object

* the bookmarks/embedded snapshots of the generic object

Public methodGetFullPropertyTreeAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Gets the properties of:

* a generic object

* the children of the generic object

* the bookmarks/embedded snapshots of the generic object

Public methodGetHyperCubeData

Retrieves the values of a chart, a table, or a scatter plot. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

This method does not apply to stacked tables.
Public methodGetHyperCubeDataAsync(String, IEnumerableNxPage, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves the values of a chart, a table, or a scatter plot. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

This method does not apply to stacked tables.
Public methodGetHyperCubeDataAsyncT(String, IEnumerableNxPage, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves the values of a chart, a table, or a scatter plot. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

This method does not apply to stacked tables.
Public methodGetHyperCubePivotData

Retrieves the values of a pivot table. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

Public methodGetHyperCubePivotDataAsync(String, IEnumerableNxPage, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves the values of a pivot table. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

Public methodGetHyperCubePivotDataAsyncT(String, IEnumerableNxPage, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves the values of a pivot table. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

Public methodGetHyperCubeReducedData

Reduces the data of a bar chart, a line chart or a scatter plot chart and retrieves them.

The reduction is dependent on the zoom factor (parameter qZoomFactor) and on the reduction mode.

** Bar chart or line chart data reduction **

For the data reduction to happen, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

* The values cannot fit in the defined page (parameter qPages).

* The zoom factor is not 0 (parameter qZoomFactor).

* The reduction mode must be set to D1.

The reduction algorithm keeps the shape of the visualizations and works whatever the number of dimensions in the chart. The global profile of the chart is reduced, and not only a specific dimension. A visualization that has been reduced contains fewer values but its shape is the same. Data of all types can be reduced. Therefore it is hard to relate the values before and after a reduction especially when reducing string values.


If you have a chart with 1 million data, and you have set the zoom factor to 5, the GetHyperCubeReducedData method reduces the chart and retrieves 200 000 data.

** Scatter plot chart data reduction **

The reduction mode must be set to C.

This reduction mechanism follows the 2D K-Means algorithm. Data are reduced into a number of clusters. Each data is assigned to a specific centroid.

The number of centroids can be defined in the parameter qZoomFactor.

** Scatter plot chart resolution reduction **

The reduction mode must be set to S.

The resolution is reduced according to the zoom factor (parameter qZoomFactor).


If you have a scatter plot chart and the zoom factor is set to 2, the scatter plot chart resolution is reduced by 4.

Public methodGetHyperCubeReducedDataAsync(String, IEnumerableNxPage, Int32, NxDataReductionMode, AsyncHandle)

Reduces the data of a bar chart, a line chart or a scatter plot chart and retrieves them.

The reduction is dependent on the zoom factor (parameter qZoomFactor) and on the reduction mode.

** Bar chart or line chart data reduction **

For the data reduction to happen, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

* The values cannot fit in the defined page (parameter qPages).

* The zoom factor is not 0 (parameter qZoomFactor).

* The reduction mode must be set to D1.

The reduction algorithm keeps the shape of the visualizations and works whatever the number of dimensions in the chart. The global profile of the chart is reduced, and not only a specific dimension. A visualization that has been reduced contains fewer values but its shape is the same. Data of all types can be reduced. Therefore it is hard to relate the values before and after a reduction especially when reducing string values.


If you have a chart with 1 million data, and you have set the zoom factor to 5, the GetHyperCubeReducedData method reduces the chart and retrieves 200 000 data.

** Scatter plot chart data reduction **

The reduction mode must be set to C.

This reduction mechanism follows the 2D K-Means algorithm. Data are reduced into a number of clusters. Each data is assigned to a specific centroid.

The number of centroids can be defined in the parameter qZoomFactor.

** Scatter plot chart resolution reduction **

The reduction mode must be set to S.

The resolution is reduced according to the zoom factor (parameter qZoomFactor).


If you have a scatter plot chart and the zoom factor is set to 2, the scatter plot chart resolution is reduced by 4.

Public methodGetHyperCubeReducedDataAsyncT(String, IEnumerableNxPage, Int32, NxDataReductionMode, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Reduces the data of a bar chart, a line chart or a scatter plot chart and retrieves them.

The reduction is dependent on the zoom factor (parameter qZoomFactor) and on the reduction mode.

** Bar chart or line chart data reduction **

For the data reduction to happen, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

* The values cannot fit in the defined page (parameter qPages).

* The zoom factor is not 0 (parameter qZoomFactor).

* The reduction mode must be set to D1.

The reduction algorithm keeps the shape of the visualizations and works whatever the number of dimensions in the chart. The global profile of the chart is reduced, and not only a specific dimension. A visualization that has been reduced contains fewer values but its shape is the same. Data of all types can be reduced. Therefore it is hard to relate the values before and after a reduction especially when reducing string values.


If you have a chart with 1 million data, and you have set the zoom factor to 5, the GetHyperCubeReducedData method reduces the chart and retrieves 200 000 data.

** Scatter plot chart data reduction **

The reduction mode must be set to C.

This reduction mechanism follows the 2D K-Means algorithm. Data are reduced into a number of clusters. Each data is assigned to a specific centroid.

The number of centroids can be defined in the parameter qZoomFactor.

** Scatter plot chart resolution reduction **

The reduction mode must be set to S.

The resolution is reduced according to the zoom factor (parameter qZoomFactor).


If you have a scatter plot chart and the zoom factor is set to 2, the scatter plot chart resolution is reduced by 4.

Public methodGetHyperCubeStackData

Retrieves the values of a stacked pivot table. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

Public methodGetHyperCubeStackDataAsync(String, IEnumerableNxPage, Int32, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves the values of a stacked pivot table. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

Public methodGetHyperCubeStackDataAsyncT(String, IEnumerableNxPage, Int32, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves the values of a stacked pivot table. It is possible to retrieve specific pages of data.

Public methodGetInfo

Returns the type and identifier of the object.

Public methodGetInfoAsync(AsyncHandle)

Returns the type and identifier of the object.

Public methodGetInfoAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Returns the type and identifier of the object.

Public methodGetLayout

Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties. If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated. A GetLayout call on a generic object, returns up to one level down in the hierarchy.

Public methodGetLayoutAsync(AsyncHandle)

Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties. If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated. A GetLayout call on a generic object, returns up to one level down in the hierarchy.

Public methodGetLayoutAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Evaluates an object and displays its properties including the dynamic properties. If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is evaluated. A GetLayout call on a generic object, returns up to one level down in the hierarchy.

Public methodGetLinkedObjects

Lists the linked objects to a generic object, a dimension or a measure.

Public methodGetLinkedObjectsAsync(AsyncHandle)

Lists the linked objects to a generic object, a dimension or a measure.

Public methodGetLinkedObjectsAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Lists the linked objects to a generic object, a dimension or a measure.

Public methodGetListObjectData

Retrieves the values of a list object.

Public methodGetListObjectDataAsync(String, IEnumerableNxPage, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves the values of a list object.

Public methodGetListObjectDataAsyncT(String, IEnumerableNxPage, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Retrieves the values of a list object.

Public methodGetProperties

Returns the identifier and the type of the object.

Because it is not mandatory to set all properties when you define an object, the method GetProperties may show properties that were not set. In that case, default values are given.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
Public methodGetPropertiesAsync(AsyncHandle)

Returns the identifier and the type of the object.

Because it is not mandatory to set all properties when you define an object, the method GetProperties may show properties that were not set. In that case, default values are given.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
Public methodGetPropertiesAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Returns the identifier and the type of the object.

Because it is not mandatory to set all properties when you define an object, the method GetProperties may show properties that were not set. In that case, default values are given.

If the member delta is set to true in the request object, only the delta is retrieved.
Public methodGetSnapshotObject

Returns the type of the object and the corresponding handle.

Public methodGetSnapshotObjectAsync(AsyncHandle)

Returns the type of the object and the corresponding handle.

Public methodGetSnapshotObjectAsyncT(FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Returns the type of the object and the corresponding handle.

Public methodIndexOfDefPath(String)
Converts an existing path to its equivalent index value
Public methodIndexOfDefPath(String)
Converts existing paths to their equivalent index values
Public methodIndexOfDefPathAsync(String)
Converts an existing path to its equivalent index value asyncronously
Public methodIndexOfDefPathAsync(String)
Converts existing paths to their equivalent index values asyncronously
Public methodLock

* Locks all selected values of a specific field if the target (or handle ) is a field

* Locks selected values of a generic object if the target (or handle ) is a generic object

Public methodLockAsync

* Locks all selected values of a specific field if the target (or handle ) is a field

* Locks selected values of a generic object if the target (or handle ) is a generic object

Public methodPublish

Publishes a generic object.

This method applies only if running in server mode.
Public methodPublishAsync

Publishes a generic object.

This method applies only if running in server mode.
Public methodRangeSelectHyperCubeValues

Make range selections in measures.

This method applies to hypercubes. For example, bar charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodRangeSelectHyperCubeValuesAsync(String, IEnumerableNxRangeSelectInfo, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Make range selections in measures.

This method applies to hypercubes. For example, bar charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodRangeSelectHyperCubeValuesAsyncT(String, IEnumerableNxRangeSelectInfo, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Make range selections in measures.

This method applies to hypercubes. For example, bar charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodResetMadeSelections

Resets all selections made in selection mode.

Public methodResetMadeSelectionsAsync

Resets all selections made in selection mode.

Public methodResumeLayout
Public methodSearchListObjectFor

Searches for a string in a list object.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).The search results can be displayed using the GetLayout method.
Public methodSearchListObjectForAsync(String, String, AsyncHandle)

Searches for a string in a list object.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).The search results can be displayed using the GetLayout method.
Public methodSearchListObjectForAsyncT(String, String, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Searches for a string in a list object.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).The search results can be displayed using the GetLayout method.
Public methodSelectHyperCubeCells

Makes selections in multiple dimensions and measures.

This method applies to hypercubes, such as bar charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodSelectHyperCubeCellsAsync(String, IEnumerableInt32, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Makes selections in multiple dimensions and measures.

This method applies to hypercubes, such as bar charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodSelectHyperCubeCellsAsyncT(String, IEnumerableInt32, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Makes selections in multiple dimensions and measures.

This method applies to hypercubes, such as bar charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodSelectHyperCubeValues

Selects some values in one dimension.

The values are identified by their element numbers.

This method applies to charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodSelectHyperCubeValuesAsync(String, Int32, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Selects some values in one dimension.

The values are identified by their element numbers.

This method applies to charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodSelectHyperCubeValuesAsyncT(String, Int32, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Selects some values in one dimension.

The values are identified by their element numbers.

This method applies to charts, tables and scatter plots.
Public methodSelectListObjectAll

Selects all values of a field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectAllAsync(String, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Selects all values of a field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectAllAsyncT(String, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Selects all values of a field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectAlternative

Selects all alternative values in a specific field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).If a field contains at least one selected value, the values that are neither selected nor excluded are alternatives values.
Public methodSelectListObjectAlternativeAsync(String, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Selects all alternative values in a specific field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).If a field contains at least one selected value, the values that are neither selected nor excluded are alternatives values.
Public methodSelectListObjectAlternativeAsyncT(String, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Selects all alternative values in a specific field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).If a field contains at least one selected value, the values that are neither selected nor excluded are alternatives values.
Public methodSelectListObjectExcluded

Inverts the current selections in a specific field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectExcludedAsync(String, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Inverts the current selections in a specific field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectExcludedAsyncT(String, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Inverts the current selections in a specific field.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectPossible

Selects all possible values of a list object.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectPossibleAsync(String, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Selects all possible values of a list object.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectPossibleAsyncT(String, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Selects all possible values of a list object.

This method applies to list objects (objects with one dimension).
Public methodSelectListObjectValues

Makes single selections in dimensions.

This method applies to list objects only.
Public methodSelectListObjectValuesAsync(String, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Makes single selections in dimensions.

This method applies to list objects only.
Public methodSelectListObjectValuesAsyncT(String, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)

Makes single selections in dimensions.

This method applies to list objects only.
Public methodSelectPivotCells
This method only applies to hypercubes that are not represented as straight tables. The parameter qMode in HyperCubeDef must be set either to P or K.

** Pivot table **

Makes selections in the top or left dimension cells of a pivot table or in the data matrix. Only expanded dimensions can be selected.

** Stacked table **

Makes selections in the left dimension cells of a stacked table or in the data matrix.

There is no top dimensions in a stacked table.

** Example of a pivot table **

Public methodSelectPivotCellsAsync(String, IEnumerableNxSelectionCell, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncHandle)
This method only applies to hypercubes that are not represented as straight tables. The parameter qMode in HyperCubeDef must be set either to P or K.

** Pivot table **

Makes selections in the top or left dimension cells of a pivot table or in the data matrix. Only expanded dimensions can be selected.

** Stacked table **

Makes selections in the left dimension cells of a stacked table or in the data matrix.

There is no top dimensions in a stacked table.

** Example of a pivot table **

Public methodSelectPivotCellsAsyncT(String, IEnumerableNxSelectionCell, Boolean, Boolean, FuncResponse, T, AsyncHandle)
This method only applies to hypercubes that are not represented as straight tables. The parameter qMode in HyperCubeDef must be set either to P or K.

** Pivot table **

Makes selections in the top or left dimension cells of a pivot table or in the data matrix. Only expanded dimensions can be selected.

** Stacked table **

Makes selections in the left dimension cells of a stacked table or in the data matrix.

There is no top dimensions in a stacked table.

** Example of a pivot table **

Public methodSetChildArrayOrder

Sets the order of the children in a generic object.

To change the order of the children in a generic object, the identifiers of all the children must be included in the list of the identifiers (in qIds).
Public methodSetChildArrayOrderAsync

Sets the order of the children in a generic object.

To change the order of the children in a generic object, the identifiers of all the children must be included in the list of the identifiers (in qIds).
Public methodSetFullPropertyTree

Sets the properties of:

* a generic object

* the children of the generic object

* the bookmarks/embedded snapshots of the generic object

If the SetFullPropertyTree method is asked to set some properties to a child that does not exist, it creates the child.The type of an object cannot be updated.
Public methodSetFullPropertyTreeAsync

Sets the properties of:

* a generic object

* the children of the generic object

* the bookmarks/embedded snapshots of the generic object

If the SetFullPropertyTree method is asked to set some properties to a child that does not exist, it creates the child.The type of an object cannot be updated.
Public methodSetProperties

Sets some properties for a generic object.

Public methodSetPropertiesAsync

Sets some properties for a generic object.

Public methodSuspendLayout
Public methodUnlock

* Unlocks all selected values of a specific field if the target (or handle ) is a field

* Unlocks selected values of a generic object if the target (or handle ) is a generic object

Public methodUnlockAsync

* Unlocks all selected values of a specific field if the target (or handle ) is a field

* Unlocks selected values of a generic object if the target (or handle ) is a generic object

Public methodUnPublish

Unpublishes a generic object.

This method applies only if running in server mode.
Public methodUnPublishAsync

Unpublishes a generic object.

This method applies only if running in server mode.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCreateListbox
Create a Listbox
(Defined by ClientExtension.)
Public Extension MethodCreateListboxAsync
Create a Listbox
(Defined by ClientExtension.)
Public Extension MethodSingleUrl (Defined by UrlExtensions.)
Public propertyError
Public propertyExtendsId
Public propertyHandle
The handle of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyHasSoftPatches
Public propertyId
The id of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public propertyInfo
Public propertyMeta
Public propertyProperties
Public propertySelectionInfo
Public propertySuspendedLayout
Stops incomming changes from altering the object, resumes normal behavour after disposed.
Public propertyType
The type of the Qlik Sense entity.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public eventChanged
This event fires every time the Qlik Sense entity needs to be updated due to changes in either selectionstate, data or entity properties
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
Public eventClosed
This event fires when the Qlik Sense entity has been removed or deleted.
(Inherited from IQixClassBase.)
See Also