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IGenericObjectDrillUpAsync Method

You can use the drillUp method with any object that contains a drill-down group as a dimension.

This method allows you to move between different levels of information (from a detailed level to a less detailed level of information). You can go back to previous visualizations up to the highest level of the hierarchy.

If you try to drill up more steps than there are available levels, the first level of the hierarchy is displayed.

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
Task DrillUpAsync(
	string path,
	int dimNo,
	int nbrSteps,
	AsyncHandle asyncHandle = null


Type: SystemString
Path to the definition of the object to be selected. For example, /qHyperCubeDef. This parameter is mandatory.
Type: SystemInt32
Dimension number or index starting from 0 The default value is 0.
Type: SystemInt32
Number of steps you want to drill up. The default value is 0.
asyncHandle (Optional)
Type: Qlik.EngineAsyncHandle
Handle to asyncronous method request

Return Value

Type: Task
See Also