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IGenericObjectSelectListObjectValuesAsync Method (String, IEnumerableInt32, Boolean, Boolean, AsyncHandle)

Makes single selections in dimensions.

This method applies to list objects only.

Namespace: Qlik.Engine
Assembly: Qlik.Engine (in Qlik.Engine.dll) Version: (
Task<bool> SelectListObjectValuesAsync(
	string path,
	IEnumerable<int> values,
	bool toggleMode,
	bool softLock = false,
	AsyncHandle asyncHandle = null


Type: SystemString
Path to the definition of the object to be selected. For example, /qListObjectDef. This parameter is mandatory.
Type: System.Collections.GenericIEnumerableInt32
Element numbers to select. You can select multiple values; the separator is the comma. This parameter is mandatory.
Type: SystemBoolean
Set to true to toggle. This parameter is mandatory.
softLock (Optional)
Type: SystemBoolean
Set to true to ignore locks; in that case, locked fields can be selected. This parameter is optional. The default value is false.
asyncHandle (Optional)
Type: Qlik.EngineAsyncHandle
Handle to asyncronous method request

Return Value

Type: TaskBoolean
See Also