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Set identifiers

Set identifiers define the relationship between the set expression and the field values or expression that is being evaluated.

Set identifiers can be combined using set operators.

Identifier Description
1 Represents the full set of all the records in the application.

Represents the records of the current selection.

The set expression {$} is thus the equivalent of not stating a set expression.

Tip note{1-$} is all the more interesting as it defines the inverse of the current selection, that is, everything that the current selection excludes.

Selections from the Back stack can be used as set identifiers, by use of the dollar symbol: $1 represents the previous selection, that is, it is equivalent to pressing the Back button.

Any unsigned integer can be used in the Back notation. $0 represents the current selection.


Selections from the Forward stack can be used as set identifiers, by use of the dollar symbol: $_1 represents one step forward,that is the equivalent to pressing the Forward button.

Any unsigned integer can be used in the Forward notation. $0 represents the current selection.

bookmark_id | bookmark_name

Server and app bookmarks can be used as set identifiers. Either the bookmark ID or the bookmark name can be used. For example BM01 or MyBookMark.

Only the selection part of a bookmark is used. The values are not included. It is thus not possible to use input fields in bookmarks for set analysis.

Examples and results:  

Examples Results
sum( {$} Sales ) Returns sales for the current selection, that is to say, the same as sum(Sales)
sum( {$1} Sales ) Returns sales for the previous selection
sum( {$_2} Sales ) Returns sales for the 2nd next selection, that is to say, two steps forward. Only relevant if you just made two Back operations.
sum( {1} Sales ) Returns total sales within the application, disregarding the selection but not the dimension. If used in a chart with, for example, Products as dimension, each product will get a different value.
sum( {1} Total Sales ) Returns total sales within the application, disregarding both selection and dimension, that is to say, the same as sum(All Sales).
sum( {BM01} Sales ) Returns sales for the bookmark BM01
sum( {MyBookMark} Sales ) Returns sales for the bookmark MyBookMark
sum({Server\BM01} Sales) Returns the sales for the server bookmark BM01
sum({App\MyBookmark}Sales) Returns the sales for the app bookmark MyBookMark

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