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RangeMissingCount - script and chart function

RangeMissingCount() finds the number of non-numeric values (including NULL) in the expression or field.


RangeMissingCount(first_expr {, Expression})

Return data type: integer


The argument expressions of this function may contain inter-record functions with a third optional parameter, which in themselves return a range of values.

Argument Description
first_expr The expression or field containing the data to be measured.
Expression Optional expressions or fields containing the range of data to be measured.

Examples and results:  

Examples Results
RangeMissingCount (1,2,4)

Returns 0

RangeMissingCount (5,'abc') Returns 1
RangeMissingCount (null( ))

Returns 1

Example with expression:

RangeMissingCount (Above(MinString(MyField),0,3))

Returns the number of non-numeric values in the three results of the MinString(MyField) function evaluated on the current row and two rows above the current row.

Data used in examples:

Tip noteDisable sorting of MyField to ensure that example works as expected.


10 Returns 2 because there are no rows above this row so 2 of the 3 values are missing.
abc Returns 2 because there is only 1 row above the current row and the current row is non-numeric ('abc').
8 Returns 1 because 1 of the 3 rows includes a non-numeric ('abc').
def Returns 2 because 2 of the 3 rows include non-numeric values ('def' and 'abc').
xyz Returns 2 because 2 of the 3 rows include non-numeric values (' xyz' and 'def').
9 Returns 2 because 2 of the 3 rows include non-numeric values (' xyz' and 'def').

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