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RangeMinString - script and chart function

RangeMinString() returns the first value in the text sort order that it finds in the expression or field.


RangeMinString(first_expr {, Expression})

Return data type: string


The argument expressions of this function may contain inter-record functions with a third optional parameter, which in themselves return a range of values.

Argument Description
first_expr The expression or field containing the data to be measured.
Expression Optional expressions or fields containing the range of data to be measured.

Examples and results:  

Examples Results
RangeMinString (1,2,4)

Returns 1

RangeMinString ('xyz','abc')

Returns 'abc'
RangeMinString (5,'abc') Returns 5
RangeMinString (null( ))

Returns NULL

Example with expression:

RangeMinString (Above(MinString(MyField),0,3))

Returns the first (in text sort order) of the three results of the MinString(MyField) function evaluated on the current row and two rows above the current row.

Data used in examples:

Tip noteDisable sorting of MyField to ensure that example works as expected.
MyField RangeMinString(Above(MinString(MyField),0,3))


abc 10
8 8
def 8
xyz 8
9 9

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