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Creating login access

A login access pass allows a user in the login access group to access streams and apps for two continuous hours. When you create new login access you set the following:

  • The number of tokens you want to allocate, providing for a number of login access passes.
  • The license rule specifying which users the login access is available for.

Do the following:

  1. Select License and tokens on the QMC start page or from the StartS drop-down menu to display the overview.

  2. Select Login access in the panel to the right.
  3. Click PCreate new in the top right corner of the page.

  4. Edit the fields on the Properties tab:

    Tip note You can display or hide property groups using the panel to the far right.
    You must click Apply to save your changes. Apply is disabled if a mandatory field is empty.
  5. Click Apply.

    The Create license rule dialog opens.

  6. Edit the license rule for the login access:

    1. You can edit the Identification properties:
    2. Name The name of the login access. Mandatory.
      Disabled The rule is enabled by default. Check the checkbox to disable the rule.
      Description Here you can enter a description for the rule.
    3. Edit the Advanced properties and create the Conditions for the rule:

      • Add a condition.
      • Use the drop-down to specify for which context the rule will apply to.
    4. Edit the Basic properties:
    Operands Descriptions and examples

    This operand is not case sensitive and returns True if the compared expressions are exactly equal.

    Example: = ”a*”

    The user named exactly a* is targeted by the rule.


    This operand is not case sensitive and returns True if the compared expressions are equal.

    Example: like ”a*”

    All user with names beginning with an a is targeted by the rule.


    This operand is not case sensitive and returns True if the values in the compared expressions are not equal.

    Example: !=

    All resources that not have the same name as the user are targeted by the rule.

  7. Click Apply in to create and save the login access.

    The license rule was successfully added to the associated items is displayed at the bottom of the page.

If the number of available tokens is not enough, an error dialog is displayed. Reduce the Number of tokens and click Apply again.

You have now created a new login access and the rules for the login. The users that the rule specifies can access streams and apps as long as there are remaining login access passes.

Learn more


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