Set the properties of an object
Set the properties of a generic object by using the SetProperties method or the SetFullPropertyTree method.
Example 1:
1. Create a list object ListObject01 (qId is ListObject01 ) in a sheet. The handle of the sheet is 2.
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The list object is created and the handle is 3.
2. Get the properties of the list object.
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The properties of the list object are displayed.
3. Set a title for the list object.
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The list object properties have been updated.
4. Get the properties of the list object.
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The list object has the title "Title for ListObject01".
Example 2:
1. Create a generic object with identifier (qId) SH01. qChildListDef is added to the object's definition in order to be able to list the children of the object. The object has for title Container (it is the dynamic property title). The type of the object is container (qType).
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The sheet is created and has the handle 2.
2. Create a first child with identifier (qId) CH01. The handle of the request is 2 because the handle of the sheet is 2. The title of the child is First child. The type of the child is Child (qType).
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The child is created and has the handle 3.
3. Get the properties of the sheet and its child.
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The properties of the container (the sheet) and its child are returned, respectively in qProperty and in qChildren.
4. Update the properties of the container (the sheet) and its child. Set some new properties for a second child (that does not exist) with identifier (qId) CH02.
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The container has a new title and a new type. The child has a new title. New properties are added for a second child.
5. Get the properties of the sheet and its children.
The client sends:
The engine returns:
The properties of the container (the sheet) and its children are returned, respectively in qProperty and in qChildren. The sheet has now two children CH01 and CH02.The child CH02 has been created during the call to SetFullPropertyTree method.
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