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Name Description Type
qText Some text String

Rank number of the value

If set to -1, it means that the value is not an element number.


Value of the cell

Is set to NaN, if the value is not a number.

Double precision floating point

If set to true, it means that the cell can be expanded.

This parameter is not returned if it is set to false.


If set to true, it means that the cell can be collapsed.

This parameter is not returned if it is set to false.

qType Type of the cell

One of:

  • V for NX_DIM_CELL_VALUE. Applies to values in the data matrix.
  • E for NX_DIM_CELL_EMPTY. Applies to empty cells in the top and left dimensions.
  • N for NX_DIM_CELL_NORMAL. Applies to left and top dimensions cells.
  • T for NX_DIM_CELL_TOTAL. Applies to cells marked with Total
  • P for NX_DIM_CELL_PSEUDO. Applies to pseudo dimensions.
  • R for NX_DIM_CELL_ROOT. Applies to root node.
  • U for NX_DIM_CELL_NULL. Applies to Null values in the data matrix.

Number of elements that are part of the previous tail.

This number depends on the paging, more particularly it depends on the values defined in qTop and qHeight.


Number of elements that are part of the next tail.

This number depends on the paging, more particularly it depends on the values defined in qTop and qHeight.


Information about sub nodes (or sub cells)

The array is empty [ ] when there is no sub nodes.

Array of NxPivotDimensionCell

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