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Layout for NxInlineMeasureDef.


Name Description Type

Corresponds to the label of the measure.

If the label is not defined then the measure name is used.

qApprMaxGlyphCount Length of the longest value in the field. Integer
qCardinal Number of distinct field values. Integer

Sort indicator.

This parameter is optional. The default value is no sorting.

One of:

  • N for no sorting
  • A for sorting ascending
  • D for sorting descending

Format of the field.

This parameter is optional.


qIsAutoFormat This parameter is set to true if qNumFormat is set to U (unknown). The engine guesses the type of the field based on the field's expression. Boolean
qMin Lowest value in the range. Double precision floating point
qMax Highest value in the range. Double precision floating point

This parameter is optional.

Gives information on the error.

Null or NxValidationError

qReverseSort If set to true, it inverts the sort criteria in the field. Boolean
qAttrExprInfo List of attribute expressions. Array of NxAttrExprInfo

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