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Name Description Type
qName Name of the field. String

Is shown for fixed records.

qOriginalFieldName and qName are identical if no field names are used in the file.

qOriginalFieldName differs from qName if embedded file names are used in the file.

Array of String
qPresent   Boolean
qHasNull This property is set to true if the field contains some Null values. Boolean
qHasWild   Boolean
qHasDuplicates This property is set to true if the field contains some duplicate values. Boolean
qIsSynthetic This property is set to true if the field contains a synthetic key. Boolean
qInformationDensity Number of records that have values (i.e. not NULL) in the field as compared to the total number of records in the table. Double
qnNonNulls Number of values that are non Null. Integer
qnRows Number of rows in the field Integer
qSubsetRatio Number of distinct values in the field (in the current table) as compared to the total number of distinct values of this field (in all tables). Double
qnTotalDistinctValues Number of distinct values in the field. Integer
qnPresentDistinctValues   Integer
qKeyType Tells if the field is a key field.

One of:

qComment Comment related to the field. String
qTags List of tags related to the field. Array of String
qDerivedFields List of the derived fields.

Array of DerivedFieldsInTableData.

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