Renders the properties of a list object. Is the layout for ListObjectDef.
For more information about the definition of a list object, see Generic object definition.
Name | Description | Type |
qStateName |
Name of the alternate state. Default is current selections $. |
String |
qSize | Defines the size of a list object. |
Size |
qError | This parameter is optional and is displayed in case of error. |
Null or NxValidationError |
qDimensionInfo | Information about the dimension. |
NxDimensionInfo |
qExpressions | Lists the expressions in the list object. | Array of NxListObjectExpression |
qDataPages |
Set of data. Is empty if nothing has been defined in qInitialDataFetch in ListObjectDef. |
Array of NxDataPage. |
Name | Description | Type |
qcx |
Number of pixels on the x axis. |
Integer |
qcy |
Number of pixels on the y axis. |
Integer |
Name | Description | Type |
qErrorCode |
Error code. This parameter is always displayed in case of error. |
Integer |
qContext |
Context related to the error, from the user app domain. It can be the identifier of an object, a field name, a table name. This parameter is optional. |
String |
qExtendedMessage |
Internal information from the server. This parameter is optional. |
String |
Name | Description | Type |
qFallbackTitle |
Corresponds to the label of the dimension that is selected. If the label is not defined then the field name is used. |
String |
qApprMaxGlyphCount | Length of the longest value in the field. | Integer |
qCardinal | Number of distinct field values. | Integer |
qLocked | Is set to true if the field is locked. | Boolean |
qSortIndicator |
Sort indicator. This parameter is optional. The default value is no sorting. |
One of:
qGroupFallbackTitles |
Array of dimension labels. Contains the labels of all dimensions in a hierarchy group (for example the labels of all dimensions in a drill down group). |
Array of String |
qGroupPos |
Index of the dimension that is currently in use. qGroupPos is set to 0 if there are no hierarchical groups (drill-down groups) or cycle groups. |
Integer |
qStateCounts | Number of values in a particular state. |
NxStateCounts |
qTags |
Gives information on a field. For example, it can return the type of the field. Examples: key, text, ASCII |
Array of String |
qError |
This parameter is optional. Gives information on the error. |
Null or NxValidationError |
qDimensionType | Binary format of the field. |
One of:
qReverseSort | If set to true, it inverts the sort criteria in the field. | Boolean |
qGrouping | Defines the grouping. |
One of:
qIsSemantic | If set to true, it means that the field is a semantic. | Boolean |
qNumFormat |
Format of the field. This parameter is optional. |
FieldAttributes |
qIsAutoFormat | This parameter is set to true if qNumFormat is set to U (unknown). The engine guesses the type of the field based on the field's definition. | Boolean |
qGroupFieldDefs | Array of field names. | Array of String |
Name | Description | Type |
qLocked | Number of values in locked state | Integer |
qSelected | Number of values in selected state | Integer |
qOption | Number of values in optional state | Integer |
qDeselected | Number of values in deselected state | Integer |
qAlternative | Number of values in alternative state | Integer |
qExcluded | Number of values in excluded state | Integer |
qSelectedExcluded | Number of values in selected excluded state | Integer |
qLockedExcluded | Number of values in locked excluded state | Integer |
Name | Description | Type |
qType |
Type of the field. Default is U. |
One of: • U for UNKNOWN type. • A for ASCII; Numeric fields values contain only standard ASCII characters. • I for INTEGER; Numeric fields values are shown as integer numbers. • R for REAL; Numeric fields values are shown as real numbers. • F for FIX; Numeric fields values are shown as numbers with a fix number of decimals. • M for MONEY; Numeric fields values are shown as in the money format. • D for DATE; Numeric fields values are shown as dates. • T for TIME; Numeric fields values are shown as times. • TS TIMESTAMP; Numeric fields values are shown as time stamps. • IV for INTERVAL; Numeric fields values are shown as intervals. |
qnDec |
Number of decimals. Default is 10. |
Integer between 0 and 15. |
qUseThou |
Defines whether or not a thousands separator must be used. Default is 0. |
One of:
qFmt |
Defines the format pattern that applies to qText. Is used in connection to the type of the field (parameter qType). For more information, see Struct FieldAttributes. Example: YYYY-MM-DD for a date |
String |
qDec |
Defines the decimal separator. Example: . |
String |
qThou |
Defines the thousand separator (if any). Is used if qUseThou is set to 1. Example: , |
String |
Name | Description | Type |
qExpr | Value of the expression. | String |
qError |
This parameter is optional. Gives information on the error. |
Null or NxLayoutErrors |
Name | Description | Type |
ErrorCode | Error code. |
Integer |
Name | Description | Type |
qMatrix | Array of data. |
Array of NxCellRows |
qTails |
Array of tails. Is used for hypercube objects with multiple dimensions. It might happen that due to the window size some elements in a group cannot be displayed in the same page as the other elements of the group. Elements of a group of dimensions can be part of the previous or the next tail. If there is no tail, the array is empty [ ]. |
Array of NxGroupTail |
qArea | Size and offset of the data in the matrix. | Rect |
qIsReduced |
Is set to true, if the data have been reduced. The default value is false. |
Boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
qUp |
Number of elements that are part of the previous tail. This number depends on the paging, more particularly it depends on the values defined in qTop and qHeight This parameter is optional. Is not shown if the value is 0. |
Integer |
qDown |
Number of elements that are part of the next tail. This number depends on the paging, more particularly it depends on the values defined in qTop and qHeight This parameter is optional. Is not shown if the value is 0. |
Integer |
Name | Description | Type |
qLeft |
Position from the left. Corresponds to the first column. |
Integer |
qTop |
Position from the top. Corresponds to the first row. |
Integer |
qWidth | Number of columns in the page. The indexing of the columns may vary depending on whether the cells are expanded or not (parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded in HyperCubeDef). | Integer |
qHeight | Number of rows or elements in the page. The indexing of the rows may vary depending on whether the cells are expanded or not (parameter qAlwaysFullyExpanded in HyperCubeDef). | Integer |
Name | Description | Type |
NxCellRows | Array of data. |
Array of NxCell |
Name | Description | Type |
qText |
Some text. This parameter is optional. |
String |
qNum |
A value. This parameter is optional. |
Double precision floating point |
qElemNumber |
Rank number of the value, starting from 0. If the element number is a negative number, it means that the returned value is not an element number. You can get the following negative values:
Integer |
qState |
State of the value. The default state for a measure is L. |
One of:
qIsEmpty |
Is set to true, if qText and qNum are empty. This parameter is optional. The default value is false. |
Boolean |
qIsTotalCell |
Is set to true if a total is displayed in the cell. This parameter is optional. The default value is false. Not applicable to list objects. |
Boolean |
qIsOtherCell |
Is set to true if the cell belongs to the group Others. Dimension values can be set as Others depending on what has been defined in OtherTotalSpecProp. This parameter is optional. The default value is false. Not applicable to list objects. |
Boolean |
qFrequency |
Frequency of the value. This parameter is optional. |
String |
qHighlightRanges |
Search hits. The search hits are highlighted. This parameter is optional. |
Null or NxHighlightRanges |
qAttrExps | Attribute expression values. |
Null or NxAttributeExpressionValues |
qIsNull | Is set to true if the value is Null. | Boolean |
Name | Description | Type |
qRanges | Ranges of highlighted values | Array of CharRange |
Name | Description | Type |
qCharPos | Position of the first search occurrence | Integer |
qCharCount | Number of occurrences found | Integer |
Name | Description | Type |
qValues | List of attribute expressions values. | Array of NxSimpleValue |
Name | Description | Type |
qText |
Text related to the attribute expression value. This property is optional. No text is returned if the attribute expression value is a numeric. |
String |
qNum |
Numeric value of the attribute expression. This property is set to NaN (Not a Number) if the attribute expression value is not a numeric. Numerical values are not returned as text. |
Double precision floating point |
Example 1:
In the above example, the dimension Country contains 3 selected values and 19 alternative values.
Five initial values are displayed (in qDataPages) and alternative values (state "A") are allowed. This is linked to what is defined in ListObjectDef, respectively with parameters qInitialDataFetch and qShowAlternatives.
Example 2:
In the above example, the initial data fetch shows that the dimension Country contains 3 selected values and 2 excluded values. The excluded values are counted in qStateCounts as alternative values. In total there are 19 alternative values and 3 selected values.
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