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Renders the properties of a hypercube. Is the layout for HyperCubeDef.

For more information about the definition of a hypercube, see Generic object definition.

Information noteWhat is returned in HyperCube depends on the type of the hypercube (straight, pivot or stacked table) and on the method called (GetLayout, GetHyperCubeData, GetHyperCubePivotData, GetHyperCubeStackData).


Name Description Type

Name of the alternate state.

Default is current selections $.

qSize Defines the size of the hypercube.


qError This parameter is optional and is displayed in case of error.

Null or NxValidationError.

qDimensionInfo Information on the dimension.

Array of NxDimensionInfo.

qMeasureInfo Information on the measure.

Array of NxMeasureInfo.


Sort order of the columns in the hypercube.

Column numbers are separated by a comma.

Example: [1,0,2] means that the first column to be sorted was the column 1, followed by the column 0 and the column 2.

Array of Integer

Aggregate for measures of all values in the field.

The result value depends on the qAggrFunc defined in HyperCubeDef.

Array of NxCell


Set of data.

Is empty if nothing has been defined in qInitialDataFetch in HyperCubeDef.

Array of NxDataPage


Set of data for pivot tables.

Is empty if nothing has been defined in qInitialDataFetch in HyperCubeDef.

Array of NxPivotPage

Set of data for stacked tables.

Is empty if nothing has been defined in qInitialDataFetch in HyperCubeDef.

Array of NxStackPage
qMode Information about the mode of the visualization.

One of:

  • S for DATA_MODE_STRAIGHT; straight table representation
  • P for DATA_MODE_PIVOT; pivot table representation
  • K for DATA_MODE_STACK; stacked table representation

Number of left dimensions

Default value is -1.

The index related to each left dimension depends on the position of the pseudo dimension (if any).

For example, a pivot table with:

  • 4 dimensions in the following order: Country, City, Product and Category
  • one pseudo dimension in position 1
  • 3 left dimensions.

implies that:

  • The index 0 corresponds to the left dimension Country
  • The index 1 corresponds to the pseudo dimension
  • The index 2 corresponds to the left dimension City
  • Product and Category are top dimensions.

Another example:

  • 4 dimensions in the following order: Country, City, Product and Category
  • one pseudo dimension in position -1
  • 3 left dimensions.

implies that:

  • The index -1 corresponds to the pseudo dimension; the pseudo dimension is the most to the right
  • The index 0 corresponds to the left dimension Country
  • The index 1 corresponds to the left dimension City
  • The index 2 corresponds to the left dimension Product
  • Category is a top dimension.

Is used for pivot tables only.

If set to true, the formatting of the results is slightly different.

This property is optional.


Is used for pivot tables only.

Position of the last expended cell.

This property is optional.

Null or NxCellPosition


"qHyperCube": { "qStateName": "$", "qSize": { "qcx": 2, "qcy": 10 }, "qDimensionInfo": [ { "qFallbackTitle": "ProductName label", "qApprMaxGlyphCount": 2, "qCardinal": 10, "qSortIndicator": "A", "qGroupFallbackTitles": [ "ProductName label" ], "qGroupPos": 0, "qStateCounts": { "qLocked": 0, "qSelected": 0, "qOption": 10, "qDeselected": 0, "qAlternative": 0, "qExcluded": 0, "qSelectedExcluded": 0, "qLockedExcluded": 0 }, "qTags": [ "$numeric", "$integer" ], "qDimensionType": "N", "qGrouping": "N", "qNumFormat": { "qType": "I", "qnDec": 0, "qUseThou": 1, "qFmt": "###0", "qDec": "," }, "qIsAutoFormat": true, "qGroupFieldDefs": [ "Values1" ] } ], "qMeasureInfo": [ { "qFallbackTitle": "Chart HC Properties measures label", "qApprMaxGlyphCount": 2, "qCardinal": 0, "qSortIndicator": "A", "qNumFormat": { "qType": "I", "qnDec": 0, "qUseThou": 1, "qFmt": "###0", "qDec": "," }, "qMin": 1, "qMax": 10, "qIsAutoFormat": true, "qAttrExprInfo": [] } ], "qEffectiveInterColumnSortOrder": [ 0, 1 ], "qGrandTotalRow": [ { "qText": "55", "qNum": 55, "qElemNumber": -1, "qState": "X", "qIsTotalCell": true } ], "qDataPages": [ { "qMatrix": [], "qTails": [], "qArea": { "qLeft": 0, "qTop": 0, "qWidth": 0, "qHeight": 0 } } ], "qPivotDataPages": [], "qStackedDataPages": [], "qMode": "S", "qNoOfLeftDims": -1 }

In this example, the bar chart has one dimension and one measure. No initial values are fetched. The aggregate value for the measure is 55. This chart is defined in HyperCubeDef.

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