Exporting a visualization
You can export visualizations as images or PDF files.
Only the visible part of the visualization will be exported. For example, if you export a table that has scroll bars, you will not get the entire table. You will get an image that shows the scroll bars and the window area that they specify.
The following type of objects cannot be exported:
- Filter panels
- Sheet titles
- Widgets
Exporting visualizations from desktop devices
Export as an image
Do the following:
Right-click the visualization you want to export.
In the shortcut menu select Export as an image.
The dialog Image settings appears.
- Select to keep Current options or to change them by using Custom options.
- Selecting Current shows the width and height of the original chart and the screen resolution in dpi. You can select the output format between .png and .jpeg by using the Type of file drop-down menu.
You can customize the dimensions and the resolution of the exported image by clicking Custom:
To set a new image width or height, click + or - to increase or decrease the width or height accordingly. You can also type an exact value. The minimum value is 8 pixels, the maximum is 2,000 pixels.
Information noteThe maximum size of an image that can be exported is 2,000 by 2,000 pixels. If the export would result in a larger image, you must reduce its size under Custom.Information noteTo keep the aspect ratio you have to change Width (pixels) and Height (pixels) accordingly.To set a new image resolution, click + or -on the sides of Resolution (dots per inch) to increase or decrease the resolution accordingly. You can also type an exact value. The minimum value is 72 dpi, the maximum is 300 dpi.
Click Export to start the creation of the image.
Export to PDF
Do the following:
In the shortcut menu select Export to PDF.
The dialog PDF settings appears.
- Select the Paper size by scrolling the related drop down menu and clicking on the selected one.
- You can increase or decrease the Resolution (dots per inch) by clicking on + or - . You can also type an exact value. The minimum value is 72 dpi, the maximum is 300 dpi.
- Choose the Orientation by selecting the button Portrait or Landscape.
- In the Aspect ratio options you can select:
- Keep current size to insert the visualization into the PDF without changing its size. If the resulting PDF is smaller than the visualization it will be cropped.
- Fit to page, without keeping aspect ratio will change height and width of the visualization to fill the entire page. Aspect ratio will change accordingly.
Click Export to start the creation of the image.
Exporting visualizations from mobile devices
You can also export visualizations from your mobile device.
Export to PDF
When exporting from mobile devices, exporting to PDF is the default option.
Do the following:
- Tap on the visualization you want to export to zoom it.
and select Export.
Keep the default option PDF on the Select type of file drop-down menu.
- Select the Paper size by scrolling the related drop down menu and clicking on the selected type.
- Choose the Orientation by selecting Portrait or Landscape.
- Click Export to start the creation of the PDF.
- To download the PDF, click on the link Click here to download your PDF file.
Export as an image
Do the following:
- Tap on the visualization you want to export to zoom it.
and select Export.
- Open the drop-down Select type of file and click PNG or JPEG to select the image format you want.
Click Export to start the creation of the image.
- To download the image, click on the link Click here to download your image file.
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