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Get Qlik associative engine health information

You can check the status of the engine by issuing an HTTP GET request on one of the following URLs:

  • Qlik Sense Enterprise: (where is the computer where the QPS is installed)

  • Qlik Sense Desktop: http://localhost:4848/engine/healthcheck/

In Qlik Sense Enterprise, the health check request is called via the Qlik Sense Proxy Service, which routes the request to the engine on the same physical computer. To request the health check information for a different node, use that node's IP address with the engine port (4747 by default). For example:


Statistics returned by health check

The JSON response from the health check request contains the following information about the engine:

General fields
Field Description
version Engine version.
started ISO timestamp when the engine service was started.
mem fields
Field Description
committed The total amount of committed memory for the engine process in MB.
allocated The total amount of allocated memory (committed + reserved) from the operating system in MB.
free The total amount of free memory (minimum of free virtual and physical memory) in MB.
totalPhysical The total amount of available physical memory on the server in MB.
cpu fields
Field Description
total Percentage of the CPU used by the engine, averaged over a time period of 30 seconds.
Field Description
active Number of active engine sessions. A session is active when a user is currently performing some action on an app, for example, making selections or creating content.
total Total number of engine sessions.
Field Description
active_docs An array of either the GUIDs (Qlik Sense Enterprise) or names (Qlik Sense Desktop) of active apps. Empty if no apps are active. An app is active when a user is currently performing some action on it.
in_memory_docs An array of either the GUIDs (Qlik Sense Enterprise) or names (Qlik Sense Desktop) of all apps currently loaded into the memory, even if they do not have any open sessions or connections to it. The apps disappear from the list when the engine has purged them out from memory.
loaded_docs An array of either the GUIDs (Qlik Sense Enterprise) or names (Qlik Sense Desktop) of apps currently loaded into memory and that have open sessions or connections. Empty if no apps are loaded.
calls Total number of requests made to the engine.
selections Total number of selections made to the engine.
totalStaticByteSize The sum of the static byte size of all apps currently loaded into the engine, measured in bytes.
Field Description
active Number of distinct active users. An active user is one who is currently performing an action on an app.
total Total number of distinct users within the current engine sessions.
Field Description
hits Number of cache hits.
lookups Number of cache lookups.
added Number of cache objects added.
replaced Number of cache objects replaced.
bytes_added Size in bytes of cache objects added.
saturated When the value is true, the engine is running with high resource usage; otherwise the value is false. High resource usage occurs when one of the following conditions is met:
  • The average CPU utilization in the last 30 seconds is above 90%. The threshold is configurable through CpuOverloadThreshold (0 < 1.0). The window of time over which the average is measured is configurable through CpuOverloadSampleTime (in seconds). Adjustments to CpuOverloadThreshold and CpuOverloadSampleTime can be made in the Settings.ini file.
  • Greater than 90% physical memory (RAM) usage at the time the health check API is called.

Response examples

The JSON response for Qlik Sense Enterprise with two loaded and two active apps looks something like the following:

	"version": "12.9.0",
	"started": "20170301T111505.000-0500",
	"mem": {
		"committed": 56.84765625,
		"allocated": 181.06640625,
		"free": 8684.48046875
	"cpu": {
		"total": 0
	"session": {
		"active": 2,
		"total": 2
	"apps": {
		"active_docs": ["4e19dc36-2020-4435-bb96-fe3c613207c7",
		"loaded_docs": ["4e19dc36-2020-4435-bb96-fe3c613207c7",
		"calls": 60,
		"selections": 0
	"users": {
		"active": 1,
		"total": 1
	"cache": {
		"hits": 26,
		"lookups": 35,
		"added": 9,
		"replaced": 0,
		"bytes_added": 11520
	"saturated": false				

The JSON response for Qlik Sense Enterprise with no loaded apps looks something like the following:

	"version": "12.9.0",
	"started": "20170301T111505.000-0500",
	"mem": {
		"committed": 116.421875,
		"allocated": 296.05859375,
		"free": 8246.60546875
	"cpu": {
		"total": 0
	"session": {
		"active": 0,
		"total": 0
	"apps": {
		"active_docs": [],
		"loaded_docs": [],
		"calls": 78,
		"selections": 0
	"users": {
		"active": 0,
		"total": 0
	"cache": {
		"hits": 4668,
		"lookups": 5087,
		"added": 413,
		"replaced": 6,
		"bytes_added": 1496192
	"saturated": false

The JSON response for Qlik Sense Desktop with two loaded apps and one active app looks something like the following:

	"version": "12.9.0",
	"started": "20170301T112440.000-0500",
	"mem": {
		"committed": 155.23828125,
		"allocated": 289.328125,
		"free": 7814.75
	"cpu": {
		"total": 0
	"session": {
		"active": 1,
		"total": 2
	"apps": {
		"active_docs": ["C:/Users/myuser/Documents/Qlik/Sense/Apps/Sales Discovery.qvf"],
		"loaded_docs": ["C:/Users/myuser/Documents/Qlik/Sense/Apps/Consumer Sales.qvf",
		"C:/Users/myuser/Documents/Qlik/Sense/Apps/Sales Discovery.qvf"],
		"calls": 93,
		"selections": 0
	"users": {
		"active": 1,
		"total": 1
	"cache": {
		"hits": 528,
		"lookups": 750,
		"added": 377,
		"replaced": 170,
		"bytes_added": 658624
	"saturated": false

The JSON response for Qlik Sense Desktop with no loaded apps looks something like the following:

	"version": "12.9.0",
	"started": "20170301T112440.000-0500",
	"mem": {
		"committed": 155.26953125,
		"allocated": 290.328125,
		"free": 7928.23828125
	"cpu": {
		"total": 0
	"session": {
		"active": 0,
		"total": 0
	"apps": {
		"active_docs": [],
		"loaded_docs": [],
		"calls": 94,
		"selections": 0
	"users": {
		"active": 0,
		"total": 0
	"cache": {
		"hits": 0,
		"lookups": 0,
		"added": 0,
		"replaced": 0,
		"bytes_added": 0
	"saturated": false

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