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Managing Replicate Servers

Before you can create a Compose project, you need to define a Replicate task that replicates the relevant source tables from the source database to the Landing Zone. If you want your ingested data from multiple sources, then you need to define a separate task for each source. Tasks can either reside on the same Replicate Server or on different Replicate Servers. A single Replicate task can serve several projects.

You can also monitor the Replicate task(s) from within the Compose monitor. This requires you to provide the information that will allow Compose to establish a connection with the Replicate Server on which the tasks are running. After providing this information, you will then be able to associate a source Landing Zone with a specific Replicate Server and task.

  1. From the Management drop-down menu in the main toolbar, select Manage Replicate Servers.

    The Manage Replicate Servers window opens.

  2. Click Add Replicate Server.

    The Add Server window opens.

  3. Enter the following information:

    • Name: A display name for the server.
    • Description: (Optional) A description for the server.
    • Host: The IP address or host name of the Qlik Replicate machine.

      Information note

      When Replicate Server is installed on Linux, enter the IP address of the Windows machine on which the Replicate UI Server is running.

    • Port: Optionally, change the default port (443). You should only change the default port if you are certain that a different SSL port is being used.
    • User Name and Password: Your login information for the Qlik Replicate machine.

      Information note

      When Replicate Server is installed on Linux, enter the user name and password for the Windows machine on which the Replicate UI Server is running.

  4. Click Test Connection and then click OK if the connection is successfully verified.
  1. From the Management drop-down menu in the main toolbar, select Manage Replicate Servers.

    The Manage Replicate Servers window opens.

  2. Select the server you want to remove and then click Delete.

  1. From the Management drop-down menu in the main toolbar, select Manage Replicate Servers.

    The Manage Replicate Servers window opens.

  2. Select the desired server and then click Edit.

  3. Edit the server settings as described above.

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