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Charts and tables are sheet objects that can show numbers very compactly. It is possible e.g. to show sums of money, distributed over different fields such as year, month, account number, etc.

Charts and tables can be set to display either the frequencies of different values of a field, or a calculated entity, e.g. the sum of the possible values of a field. In both cases, a certain field must be chosen as x-axis, i.e. this field will be used to label the slices of the pie, the different bars in the bar chart and the rows in the pivot table, respectively.

The Different Chart Types Available

The chart types you can choose between are bar chart, pie chart, combo chart, scatter chart, line chart, radar chart, grid chart, gauge chart, block chart, funnel chart, pivot table, straight table, and mekko chart.

Bar Chart

Sample bar chart

Pie chart

Sample Pie chart

Combo chart

Sample Combo chart

Scatter chart

Sample Scatter chart

Line chart

Sample Line chart

Radar chart

Sample Radar chart

Grid chart

Sample Grid chart

Gauge chart

Sample Gauge chart

Block chart

Sample Block chart

Funnel chart

Sample Funnel chart

Pivot table

Sample Pivot table

Straight table

Sample Straight table

Mekko chart

Sample Mekko chart

QlikView charts can be divided into two major categories. The first, graph charts, consists of bar, line, combo, pie, scatter, radar, grid, block, mekko and gauge charts. The second category, table charts, consists of straight tables and pivot tables. These chart types are drawn as tables with cells in columns and rows. Please note that table boxes, although in many respects similar to table charts are not charts but a separate type of sheet objects.

Graph Charts

The bar chart below shows some of the more common components of a QlikView graph chart:

Graph chart components

The position of the different components can in many cases be altered by the user.

Sizing and moving chart components

Table Charts

Table chart components

The pivot table above shows some of the more common components of a QlikView table chart.

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