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Creating documents and charts

A QlikView document consists of a number of sheets that contain graphical charts and other sheet objects that allow the user to interact and analyze the data. QlikView enables you to design and create your own clear, interactive charts and other sheet objects, and position them on the sheets in the document.

When creating a document you can use a palette of tables and chart types such as bar charts, pie charts and gauges. The tables and charts are simple to add and customize. Interactivity such as drill-down and filtering is built in because QlikView automatically highlights items associated with your selections. You can enhance interactivity further with functionality specific to the different charts.

While adding tables and charts on sheets, consider some rules of thumb:

  • Using color, names, and styles consistently helps the user to navigate and understand the document.
  • Keep the sheet tidy and let the tables and charts play center stage.
  • Focus on a few metrics (KPIs) per sheet and present these in priority order.
  • Make sure that the user can drill-down in data. For example, create dimensions for time and date to make it easy to drill down in year, month, week and day.

  • Avoid using red and green colors as indicators because these colors can be hard for users with color-vision deficiency to distinguish.

You can get a lot of good inspiration by checking out the demos.

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