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Script syntax and chart functions

In the script, the name of the data source, the names of the tables and the names of the fields included in the logic are defined. Furthermore, the fields in the access rights definition are defined in the script.

The script consists of a number of statements that are executed consecutively.

The QlikView command line syntax and script syntax are described in a notation called Backus-Naur Formalism, or BNF code.

The first lines of code are already generated when a new QlikView file is created. The default values of these number interpretation variables are derived from the regional settings of the OS.

In the script the name of the data source, the names of the tables and the names of the fields included in the logic are defined. The script consists of a number of script statements and keywords that are executed consecutively.

For a table file with commas, tabs or semicolons as delimiter, the LOAD-statement may be used. By default the LOAD-statement will load all fields of the file.

A general database must be accessed through Microsoft ODBC. Here standard SQL statements are used. The SQL syntax accepted differs between different ODBC drivers.

All script statements must end with a semicolon, ";".

A detailed description of script syntax can be accessed via the topics in this section.

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