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QlikView rules

There are two rule categories for QlikView: Directory rules and Publisher Mapping rules.

Directory Rules

Use rule name as top level: If using more than one rule in each category, use rule name as top level to separate them. This will add a new parent node that will contain all entries targeted in the rule as children nodes (or subnodes).

Path: Locate the files that you would like to associate with this rule. UNC is recommended. You can enter a wildcard in the path, ex. c:\qlikview\data\*\qvw

Scan subfolders: By selecting this option, NodeGraph will include subfolders in the given path.

Scan subfolders as levels: This option creates subnodes per folder (hierarchical) meaning that NodeGraph will keep your subfolder structure in the Dependency Explorer as well. You can choose to both include and exclude specific files and file types.

Include filter: You can use a fully qualified name like sales.qvw or a wildcard like *.qvw, *.xlsx, etc.

Exclude filter: You can use a fully qualified name like data.qvd or a wildcard like *.qvd. If you want to exclude more than one file or folder, use ; to separate them.

Application Category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.

Unmapped data source category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.

Unmapped file source category: Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.

Add Inline Tables: When enabled, inline tables become visible in the Dependency Explorer.

Include content: When enabled, NodeGraph will include Tabs and Objects (visualizations) and their dimensions and expressions. Choose from the categories created in Categories or create a new category via the built-in sub-menu.

Qlik – Publisher Mapping Rules

Publisher mappings are used to map session log entries for a document that has been renamed when published to the access point.

Source: Path to source document.

Target: Path to target document.

Target UNC: UNC path to target document.

E.g. if a sales document is looped and reduced based on geographical regions, the source document could be named:


While the output documents could be:


\\qv\UserDocuments\Sales EMEA.qvw

\\qv\UserDocuments\Sales NA.qvw

Then two mapping rules are needed to create references from “Sales.qvw” to “Sales EMEA.qvw” and “Sales NA.qvw”.

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