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Replication mode

The following replication modes are available:

資訊備註When replicating from SaaS application sources, the Full load replication mode is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.
  • 完整載入:將資料從所選來源表格載入到目標平台,並建立目標表格 (如有必要)。完整載入會在任務開始時自動發生,但如有需要,也可以手動執行。
  • 套用變更:以對來源表格所做的任何變更更新目標表格。
  • 儲存變更:在變更表格 (每個來源表格一個)中將變更儲存至來源表格。


If you select Store changes or Apply changes and your source data contains tables that do not support CDC, or views, two data pipelines will be created. One pipeline for tables that support CDC, and another pipeline for all other tables and views that support Full load only.

資訊備註ALTER TABLE DDL operations are not currently supported. Other DDL operations such as DROP TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE are supported.

Apply changes mode

Changes are applied to the target tables using one of the following methods:

  • 批次最佳化:此為預設。若選取此選項,會在批次中套用變更。會發生前置處理動作,以最有效率的方式將交易組成批次。
  • 交易:選取此選項以認可順序個別套用每筆交易。在此情況下,會為所有表格確保嚴格參考完整性。

