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Facebook Ads 

Facebook Ads is the advertising platform of the social network Facebook. You can use Facebook Ads as a data source when landing or replicating data.

You can leave all custom report fields empty to use pre-built reports. Fill in the custom report fields, levels, and breakdowns fields to use user-defined reports.

Preparing for authentication

To access your Facebook Ads data, you need to authenticate the connection with your account credentials.

Create an app

  1. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/.

  2. Click Create an app, click Manage Business Integrations, and click Continue.

  3. Set App Display Name to Qlik.

  4. Set the app purpose appropriately for your use case.

  5. Set Do you have a Business Manager account to the business manager account that you want to use.

  6. Click Create App.

Generate an access token:

  1. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer.

  2. Set Facebook App to Qlik.

  3. Click Generate Access Token.

  4. Click Add a Permission, then click Events Groups Pages and select ads_read.

  5. Click Generate Access Token and follow the instructions to authorize the app.

Get App ID and App Secret

  1. Go to Marketing API and click Set Up.

  2. On the top left of the screen under Dashboard, click Settings.

  3. Click Basic.

Creating the connection

For more information, see 连接到 SaaS 应用程序.

  1. Fill in the required connection properties.
  2. Provide a name for the connection in Connection name.

  3. Select Open connection metadata to define metadata for the connection when it has been created.

  4. Click Create.

Connection settings
Setting Description
Data gateway

如果您的用例需要,请选择一个 Data Movement gateway


此字段不适用于 Qlik Talend Cloud Starter 订阅,因为它不支持 Data Movement gateway。如果您有另一个订阅层并且不想使用 Data Movement gateway,请选择

有关 Data Movement gateway 的优势和需要它的用例的信息,请参阅Qlik Data Gateway - Data Movement

Access Token

The access token you have generated for your app.

App ID

The ID of your Qlik app on Facebook.

Ad Account ID To get your Ad Account ID, go to Find your Facebook ad account ID number and follow the instructios.
App Secret The secret associated with your Qlik app on Facebook.
Start Date Start date for the reporting period you require in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
Custom Report One Fields

Fields for custom report one. For more information, see Insights API.

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report One Levels

Levels for custom report one. The following levels are possible to use:

ad, adset, campaign, account

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report One Breakdowns

Breakdowns for custom report one. The following breakdowns are possible to use:

ad_format_asset, age, app_id, body_asset, call_to_action_asset, coarse_conversion_value, country, description_asset, fidelity_type, gender, hsid, image_asset, impression_device, is_conversion_id_modeled, link_url_asset, postback_sequence_index, product_id, redownload, region, skan_campaign_id, skan_conversion_id, skan_version, title_asset, video_asset, dma, frequency_value, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone, mmm, place_page_id, publisher_platform, platform_position, device_platform, standard_event_content_type, marketing_messages_btn_name

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Two Fields

Fields for custom report two. For more information, see Insights API.

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Two Levels

Levels for custom report two. The following levels are possible to use:

ad, adset, campaign, account

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Two Breakdowns

Breakdowns for custom report two. The following breakdowns are possible to use:

ad_format_asset, age, app_id, body_asset, call_to_action_asset, coarse_conversion_value, country, description_asset, fidelity_type, gender, hsid, image_asset, impression_device, is_conversion_id_modeled, link_url_asset, postback_sequence_index, product_id, redownload, region, skan_campaign_id, skan_conversion_id, skan_version, title_asset, video_asset, dma, frequency_value, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone, mmm, place_page_id, publisher_platform, platform_position, device_platform, standard_event_content_type, marketing_messages_btn_name

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Three Fields

Fields for custom report three. For more information, see Insights API.

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Three Levels

Levels for custom report three. The following levels are possible to use:

ad, adset, campaign, account

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Three Breakdowns

Breakdowns for custom report three. The following breakdowns are possible to use:

ad_format_asset, age, app_id, body_asset, call_to_action_asset, coarse_conversion_value, country, description_asset, fidelity_type, gender, hsid, image_asset, impression_device, is_conversion_id_modeled, link_url_asset, postback_sequence_index, product_id, redownload, region, skan_campaign_id, skan_conversion_id, skan_version, title_asset, video_asset, dma, frequency_value, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone, mmm, place_page_id, publisher_platform, platform_position, device_platform, standard_event_content_type, marketing_messages_btn_name

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Four Fields

Fields for custom report four. For more information, see Insights API.

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Four Levels

Levels for custom report four. The following levels are possible to use:

ad, adset, campaign, account

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Four Breakdowns

Breakdowns for custom report four. The following breakdowns are possible to use:

ad_format_asset, age, app_id, body_asset, call_to_action_asset, coarse_conversion_value, country, description_asset, fidelity_type, gender, hsid, image_asset, impression_device, is_conversion_id_modeled, link_url_asset, postback_sequence_index, product_id, redownload, region, skan_campaign_id, skan_conversion_id, skan_version, title_asset, video_asset, dma, frequency_value, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone, mmm, place_page_id, publisher_platform, platform_position, device_platform, standard_event_content_type, marketing_messages_btn_name

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Five Fields

Fields for custom report five. For more information, see Insights API.

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Five Levels

Levels for custom report five. The following levels are possible to use:

ad, adset, campaign, account

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.
Custom Report Five Breakdowns

Breakdowns for custom report five. The following breakdowns are possible to use:

ad_format_asset, age, app_id, body_asset, call_to_action_asset, coarse_conversion_value, country, description_asset, fidelity_type, gender, hsid, image_asset, impression_device, is_conversion_id_modeled, link_url_asset, postback_sequence_index, product_id, redownload, region, skan_campaign_id, skan_conversion_id, skan_version, title_asset, video_asset, dma, frequency_value, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zone, hourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zone, mmm, place_page_id, publisher_platform, platform_position, device_platform, standard_event_content_type, marketing_messages_btn_name

信息注释This field is optional, leave it empty to use pre-defined reports.


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