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Data Services Platform
The Data Services Platform builds on the Data Management Platform by adding the ability to implement and execute the Real-Time and Event Driven architectural styles of data processing. Specifically, it allows you to create web services / API's (SOAP and REST) as either a Talend 'Data Service' or Route and asynchronous patterns using Routes. These can then be deployed and run on the Talend Runtime.
You can also deploy these artifacts as a standalone microservice. For more information, see the Talend Studio User Guide.

Points of note:
- A third party message broker or ActiveMQ is included in the diagram as many Enterprise Integration Patterns: https://www.enterpriseintegrationpatterns.com/ rely heavily on such infrastructure.

Pre-Production / Production:

Points of note:
- A third part load balancer or API gateway is required for high availability of API's. It is not required for asynchronous routes.