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Removed Features

The following table lists the MQL features removed with Talend Data Catalog 8.1 and the recommended MQL features to replace them. Please ensure your applications do not use any of these features before upgrading to Talend Data Catalog 8.1.

Removal of features


More information

"Business Name Inferred" system attribute

The new Documentation system attributes


"Business Name Inferred Origin" system attribute

The new Documentation system attributes


"Business Description Inferred" system attribute

The new Documentation system attributes


"Business Description Inferred Origin" system attribute

The new Documentation system attributes


"Hide Data"

Sensitivity Labels’ hide data property


"Data Classifications" as a related object type

Export Data Classes

It was experimental and never available in the MIMM Explorer.

"Data Classifications Approved" as a related object type

Export Data Classes

It was experimental and never available in the MIMM Explorer.

"Data Classifications Matched" as a related object type

Export Data Classes

It was experimental and never available in the MIMM Explorer.

"Data Classifications Rejected" as a related object type

Export Data Classes

It was experimental and never available in the MIMM Explorer.

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